Sunday, May 24, 2020
Advantage of Computer Essay - 1804 Words
[pic] [pic] [pic] Submitted by : Abdul Hakeem Esmail Submitted to : Mr. Rashim Ivan Ilupa Subject Teacher TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii Pages Chapter I - INTRODUCTION †¢ Significance of the study 2 †¢ Review of Related Literature 3 †¢ Generation of Computer (present) 4 Chapter II - BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY †¢ Origin 5 †¢ History 6 Chapter III – COMPUTER †¢ Advantages 7 †¢ Benefits 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We express our gratitude to ALLAH, the most gracious and the most merciful. Who aided us with his strength, gave us†¦show more content†¦It communicates with other electronic devices to receive data, store and manipulate them (using mathematical and logical calculations specified in a sequence of instructions called a program), and transmit the results; e.g. accept a sequence of numbers typed in at a keyboard, and plot a graph of them on a visual display unit, or monitor. Computers are now familiar at work, home, and school, as desktop personal computers (PCs). They also exist as very small devices called microprocessors, to control electronic equipment and machinery, e.g. car engines; and as much larger devices such as supercomputers, used to model and predict weather, earthquakes, nuclear explosions, etc. Originally thought of as number crunchers, todays computers - especially desktops - are increasingly used with multimedia - sound, video, etc. 3 CHAPTER II BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In 1640s, the first mechanical calculator was manufactured for commercial purposes. Blaise Pascal invented the first commercial calculator, which was a hand-powered adding machine. In 1670s, Gottfried Liebnitz made attempts to invent a calculator that multiplied mechanically, but the first multiplying calculator appeared in Germany just before the American Revolution. This was a gigantic step taken in the world of computing that laid the foundation for inventing computers. 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