Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Robbers Cave Experiment free essay sample
Through the tests practiced you will see he result of various factors added to bunch the investigations reason. Hypothesis Experiment The Robbers Cave explore concentrated on a gathering Of young men, how the gatherings are framed, and the chains of command made inside the gathering. Looters cavern additionally centered around what happens when the gathering comes into contact with different gatherings. The examination included rivalry inside in the gathering to find a degree of pecking orders in the gathering. Likewise the gathering passed on a degree of comradely inside the group.The test separated the young men into 2 gatherings, at the outset neither one of the groups realized the other gathering existed. The hypothesis presented the perfect of how gatherings manage combination of another gathering with shared objectives. The Len-bunch development stage was utilized for the gathering to start the holding stage. The holding between the young men help make an interrelation to each other. The gathering was additionally approached to mark their gathering. We will compose a custom article test on Burglars Cave Experiment or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Naming helped the young men make a character to help distinguish themselves with the gathering. The subsequent stage is depicted as the Friction stage, now each gathering had the option to recognize each gathering existed.During this time each gathering would participate in a progression of rivalry that made a grating. There were prizes given to the gathering with the most noteworthy scores. This additionally prompted the pecking orders between the gatherings. The opposition went on for a few days to develop a level of disappointment among the two gatherings. Because of the contact brought about by the serious games this made the threatening environment between the two gatherings. (Green) Entering into the third period of the examination the young men were completely taken to a typical zone they would share together.The third stage Integration was intended to make collaboration among the two gatherings Green). There was a progression of situations intended for the gatherings to achieve together. The primary examination was for the gathering to make sense of an approach to fix the water gracefully issue that was vandalized. The gathering together had the option to fix the issue. This additionally made association on one another all in all. The subsequent investigation was for the young men to concur on a film that they would watch during supper. The young men had the option to choose a film and had the option to eat in a similar normal area.The hypothesis had the option to clarify the idea of what will occur between bunches when certain rabbles happen. It likewise had the option to show that when things of regular intrigue are at the front of issues that can influence all gatherings, they had the option to go to an answer. The Robbers cavern additionally uncovered the straightforwardness of how gatherings communicate inside a gathering and when another is presented. This is like the manner in which societies draw in with each other. Taking a gander at genuine circumstances Robbers Cave can be utilized as a stage for understanding gathering relations towards one another. Utilizing the case of a rehearsing advisor, who is driving a gathering of secondary school adolescents during a gathering treatment meeting. Burglars cavern can be utilized for the specialist to perceive how gatherings can are framed inside a gathering. The main model would be a portion of the gatherings individuals are prodding a couple of the other gathering individuals in light of their social monetary back grounds. The specialist would start to recognize the variable that separates the gathering. In spite of the fact that Robbers cavern members returned from comparative grounds, the gathering of young people additionally has comparative attributes.Therefore I trust it would be dependent upon the specialist to distinguish what might make this gathering progress by presenting subjects that are nonpartisan all together or the adolescents to create connections. Culture decent variety speaks to the Robbers Cave well. When managing an outsider going to the Ignited States, I accept that you can apply the Robbers cavern hypothesis. By understanding the degree of seriousness inside American and the chain of importance made from budgetary capital. The ongoing activity showcase uncovered a degree of bigotry among the gatherings in America. For instance White America was stating that the Hispanics are taking their jobs.This was not sent until the monetary emergency was presented. The shared objective is make an equivalent playing petitioned for each gathering to be working for a shared objective. By putting each gathering in a setting were they compelled to need to rely upon each other will ideally open up the exchange, about how to make occupations for all individuals ii gatherings. End The Robbers Cave hypothesis applies to numerous situations society faces today. The perceptions produced using the Robbers Cave gave understanding on how gatherings are shaped and the chain of command made inside the in gathering.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Accidentally Becoming a Gold Medalist free essay sample
It was straightforward. Lift the weight and win. The main thing remaining among me and my award was my rival and what resembled a hundred pound bar. The bar appeared to dismay me as I attempted to make sense of how to lift it without making an imbecile of myself. As I looked to the side, attempting to disregard the scary bar, I saw a kid, and another, and another. As I investigated, I understood that lone young men had entered the weightlifting rivalry. They looked at me asking why a gaunt multi year old young lady had entered the opposition. I started to question myself. I understood at that point, that I had nothing to lose by attempting. I looked at my family, applauding me from the sidelines, and I settled on my choice. As the beginning time approached, we situated ourselves before the bars, pausing. We will compose a custom exposition test on Unintentionally Becoming a Gold Medalist or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page As the ringer went off, we mixed to be the first to lift the bar. Flashes went off as we lifted the bars over our heads. Shock flashed over our countenances as local people endeavored to conceal their chuckling. I put the bar down and glanced around befuddled. I had figured out how to lift perhaps a hundred pounds over my head and couldn’t comprehend everyones diversion. Shouldn’t they be in a condition of complete wonder and astonishment? All things considered, a little youngster had quite recently won the opposition. Much to my dismay that in a language I didn’t comprehend was composed something along the lines of â€Å"made from foam†. This reality, advised to me later on, didn’t matter as I stood gladly sitting tight for my award and still doesn’t hold any significance today. That day, I strolled with my head held high realizing that there was nothing that would have the option to hold me up. Today, my decoration hangs gladly over my bed helping me to remember the day I won my first Olympic game in the Changi air terminal. It advises me that each challenge can be met with a little exertion and no success is unimportant. I live ordinarily with an uplifting attitude, endeavoring to address each difficulty I face. Regardless of whether it be a national rivalry or a challenge put on in an air terminal, each open door taken is experience picked up. Presently I face difficulties head on, anticipating the day I can say I accomplished it.
Friday, August 14, 2020
International Dual Degrees Explained COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
International Dual Degrees Explained COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog A while ago we posted an entry on the nuances of our dual degree programs with other Columbia schools. In that entry I made mention of the fact that we also have partnerships with schools in other countries. We refer to these dual degrees as international dual degrees. The following entry is meant to provide information on these programs. For information on the Columbia programs, please see this previous entry. ______________________ SIPA has partnered with a number of international institutions around the globe to offer a variety of dual degree programs. Such programs allow students to study public policy from two different academic, cultural, and professional perspectives. After a two-year program of study, students are awarded both the relevant SIPA degree and a degree from our partner institution, thereby earning two masters degrees in the same amount of time it takes to obtain one. SIPA currently offers dual degree programs with its Global Public Policy Network partners, which include Sciences Po Paris, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the University of Singapore. We also have partnerships with the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Fundação Getulio Vargas Escola de Administração de Empresas (FGV) in São Paulo, and the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy. There are two types of Dual Degrees: Flexible Dual Degrees and Fixed-Track Dual Degrees. Each type has a specific application process. In the case of the flexible dual degrees, students who are already admitted to either SIPA or a partner institution apply to a dual-degree program during the course of their first year of study. If admitted, they study at the partner institution in their second year. For example, you have been accepted to SIPA for a Fall 2011 start date and during your first year at SIPA, you decide to apply to the Dual Degree program with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP). You apply to the program in Spring 2012 and upon acceptance, pursue your second year of studies in Singapore, beginning in Fall 2012. At the end of the two years, you receive a degree from both SIPA and the LKYSPP. In the case of the fixed-track dual degree, students apply to both SIPA and our partner institution at the same time. Their application is reviewed by a joint-committee comprising of representatives of both schools. If admitted, students begin their course of study at SIPA and proceed to the partner school in year two (with the exception of the Sciences Po MIA â€" students start in Paris and finish in New York). For example, you apply to the SIPA MIA or MPA/LSE MPA program for a September 2011 start date. You submit your application in January 2011 and are notified of the decision in April. Upon admittance, you begin your studies in New York and finish in London during the 2012-2013 academic year. At the end of the two years, you receive a degree from both SIPA and the LSE. Flexible Dual Degrees are offered for the following programs: the LSE MPA, Sciences Po MPA, LKY Master of Public Policy (MPP) and the Hertie School of Governance MPP. All programs are open to MIA and MPA students at SIPA. This means that you can apply to the LSE MPA program in the spring of your first year at SIPA, whether you are enrolled in the MIA or MPA program. At the end of your two years, you will earn either an MIA or an MPA from SIPA and an MPA from LSE. Fixed-track Dual Degrees are offered for the programs outlined above, as well as: the Sciences Po MIA, Fundação Getulio Vargas MPP or Master in International Management, and Tokyo University MPP. Unlike flexible dual degree programs, this is a fixed sequence of study. In other words, if you apply to the Sciences Po/SIPA MIA program, you will earn an MIA from Sciences Po and SIPA. You cannot switch into the MPA program for your second year SIPA. Note that the language of instructions for all programs is English, except for the Sciences Po MIA, which is conducted in French and the Fundação Getulio Vargas MPP track, which holds instruction in Portuguese. You may be wondering what the pros and cons of each track are. While the flexible track is more, well, flexible, you need to plan your course of study carefully to make sure that you will be able to fulfill the requirements at both schools. The fixed-track lays out clearly your course of study at both institutions. Admission rates vary depending on the program, fixed versus flexible, and the strength of the competition in any given year. Finally, regarding tuition: it’s paid to the institution you are enrolled in. For more information on dual degrees, visit the GPPN website, or contact Tan Nguyen, Assistant Dean, Office of External Relations: tn2102@
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Advantage of Computer Essay - 1804 Words
[pic] [pic] [pic] Submitted by : Abdul Hakeem Esmail Submitted to : Mr. Rashim Ivan Ilupa Subject Teacher TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii Pages Chapter I - INTRODUCTION †¢ Significance of the study 2 †¢ Review of Related Literature 3 †¢ Generation of Computer (present) 4 Chapter II - BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY †¢ Origin 5 †¢ History 6 Chapter III – COMPUTER †¢ Advantages 7 †¢ Benefits 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We express our gratitude to ALLAH, the most gracious and the most merciful. Who aided us with his strength, gave us†¦show more content†¦It communicates with other electronic devices to receive data, store and manipulate them (using mathematical and logical calculations specified in a sequence of instructions called a program), and transmit the results; e.g. accept a sequence of numbers typed in at a keyboard, and plot a graph of them on a visual display unit, or monitor. Computers are now familiar at work, home, and school, as desktop personal computers (PCs). They also exist as very small devices called microprocessors, to control electronic equipment and machinery, e.g. car engines; and as much larger devices such as supercomputers, used to model and predict weather, earthquakes, nuclear explosions, etc. Originally thought of as number crunchers, todays computers - especially desktops - are increasingly used with multimedia - sound, video, etc. 3 CHAPTER II BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In 1640s, the first mechanical calculator was manufactured for commercial purposes. Blaise Pascal invented the first commercial calculator, which was a hand-powered adding machine. In 1670s, Gottfried Liebnitz made attempts to invent a calculator that multiplied mechanically, but the first multiplying calculator appeared in Germany just before the American Revolution. This was a gigantic step taken in the world of computing that laid the foundation for inventing computers. InShow MoreRelatedEssay on Education and the Internet698 Words  | 3 Pagestechnology into their classrooms. Computers are ever present on college campuses, and many teachers are including them for class activities on a daily basis. With email, a teacher or can be in contact with his or her students outside of the classroom to discuss class work. Computers in the classroom are extremely beneficial for students, more importantly; the use of the Internet allows students easy access to an abundance of information. Writing an essay in a Moo room is useful for both studentsRead MoreWhat Are the Advantages and Disadvantages for Individuals and Society of the Reliance on Communicating Via Computers1004 Words  | 5 PagesWhat are the advantages and disadvantages for individuals and society of the reliance on communicating via computers? (Discussion Essay) Introduction: In today’s world, communication is one of the key elements that people across the world can connect with one another. 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The decisionRead MoreCompare and Contrast Apple and Samsung Essay1390 Words  | 6 PagesEssay Title: Compare, Contrast and Evaluate Apple and Samsung Companies. Word Count: 918 The purpose of this essay is to compare, contrast and evaluate the two major competitor companies: Apple and Samsung. This essay begins by discussing the market value of the both companies. It will then turn to discussing the product portfolios of Apple and Samsung, and then examines the service and it concludes by evaluation. Firstly, Apple is very similar to Samsung with respect to the size of the companiesRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages That Large Firms over Small Firms1341 Words  | 6 PagesEnterprise Essay CB 613 Number of words: 1202 a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages that large firms have over smaller firms and vice-versa, in the pursuit of entrepreneurial activity. As an enterprise can be defined as private business, it can thus be separated into two main categories which are small firms and large firms. Within many countries and many industries there are normally a large number of small firms and a smaller number of large firms as can be seen in the United KingdomRead MoreInternet Privacy.1148 Words  | 5 PagesSolutions for Violations of Internet Privacy. In the past thirty years computer technology has been developing very rapidly. Internet in last decade has revolutionized the way how we conduct our lives and businesses. Internet has become a daily necessity we cannot live without. Development of Internet and wireless technologies together with advancement in miniature technology has made it possible for us to have access the internet on the go. Every year we expect new and more advance modelsRead MoreThe Dangers Of Data Collection1539 Words  | 7 PagesIn recent years, new technologies develop on a daily basis. From this, it would seem that a great progress of human is considered to have advantages both for society and for the public. The vocabulary â€Å"privacy†according to the Cambridge Advanced learners Dictionary (2004) is â€Å"the right to keep one’s personal matters and relationship secret.†However, the citizens often ignore that the data collection by the companies. The average person has mu ch personal information online. The online data is moreRead MorePersonal Reflection1353 Words  | 6 PagesWhen I first enrolled in the class, I didn’t know what was to be expected of me. I was scared the first time I logged onto the computer to see what the course entailed. Then, things changed and I was comfortable with my new lifestyle of doing work on the computer. I began by making myself a schedule with things that I wanted to accomplish each and every day. As I continued to do this and the end of the course started to become visible I started to grow more and more comfortable. I am happy with how
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Symbolism In The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams
Tennessee Williams had a rough past as a result it influenced him to write plays about the conditions in the 1930s. Although Williams had a tough past, Williams became very successful in his writings and plays. Nevertheless Williams gained popularity among his peers. His experiences in the 1930s affected his work especially in The Glass Menagerie. Williams’s homosexuality made him be seen as an outcast in American society. Not to mention that homosexuality was not as widely accepted as it is today. The writing style of Williams creates a unique and great story. Tennessee Williams utilizes symbolism to express his themes throughout The Glass Menagerie. There are many events in Tennessee Williams’s early life that is similar to the†¦show more content†¦Williams creates an illusionary state between the old south and the new industrial world (Topham 4). The play represents memories of Tom years later and is not a depiction of actuality (Adler 5). The truth is in a pleasant guise of illusion (Beattie 2). While the play represents the past, there are also other examples of symbolism. In the play, The Glass Menagerie, Williams uses many symbols that are stated directly and indirectly. Williams employment of symbolism is needed to capture the reality of illusion (Adler 5). Laura was given the nickname â€Å"Blue Roses†by a boy she loved in high school (Adler 6). Roses are delicate, beautiful, and fanciful, like Laura and her glass animals, but they both have no real existence (Adler 6). The glass unicorn is her favorite glass animal (Beattie 3). When Jim breaks off the horn accidentally, Laura realizes that she ordinary like the unicorn-turned horse (Beattie 4). Another symbol is a dead-end alleyway, which cats are trapped and killed by dogs (Holditch 2). All the characters are trapped in different ways, and each escape into an illusion (Holditch 2). The symbols relate to the themes and characters. The themes provide a deeper understan ding of the play and of the characters. Tom’s father abandoned his family, who appears only in a photograph on the wall (Adler 6). Tom abandoned the family the same way his father did, but he wanted to leave his life situation (Beattie 2). Amanda struggles to support herShow MoreRelatedSymbolism In The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams822 Words  | 4 Pages A play based on the power of memory, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is a story told from Tom Wingfield’s point of view and depicts Laura’s imaginary world, a place where she can retreat and escape the reality of the present, and live in a â€Å"perfect†world. Laura’s memories from the past shape her personality, such as the name, â€Å"Blue Roses,†which illustrates her fragile nature, much like the fragility of the glass menagerie. In order to symbolize Laura Wingfield’s fragile behavior dueRead MoreSymbolism and Crossing the Rubicon in Tennessee Williamsâ⠂¬â„¢ â€Å"The Glass Menagerie.†1784 Words  | 8 PagesThe masterful use of symbolism is delightfully ubiquitous in Tennessee Williams’ â€Å"The Glass Menagerie.†He uses a collection of dim, dark and shadowy symbols that constantly remind the audience of the lost opportunity each of these three characters continually experience. This symbolism is not only use to enlighten the audience to their neglected opportunities to shine, but it is also repeatedly utilized to reinforce the ways in which the characters try in vain to cross over turbulent waters intoRead MoreSymbolism In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Essay1827 Words  | 8 PagesTennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie, is a play that evokes great sympathy and in some cases, empathy for a protagonist who struggles to overcome two opposing forces; his responsibilities and his desires. There are many symbols and non-liner references that contribute to the development of characterization, dramatic tensions and the narrative. This essay will examine in detail, the aspects of the play that contribute to the development of the above mentioned elements. In Toms opening addressesRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie Symbolism Essay800 Words  | 4 PagesTitle Tennessee Williams had a rough past that influenced him to write plays about the 1930s. Williams’s life was very successful in his writing, making him known to many. His experiences in the 1930s affected his work. Williams’s homosexuality made him be seen as an outcast in American society. Tennessee Williams utilizes symbolism to express his themes throughout The Glass Menagerie. There are many events in Tennessee Williams’s early life that is similar to the details in The Glass MenagerieRead More The Importance of Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie Essay1609 Words  | 7 PagesImportance of Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie   Tom Wingfield is the narrator and a major character in Tennessee William’s timeless play, The Glass Menagerie. Through the eyes of Tom, the viewer gets a glance into the life of his family in the pre-war depression era; his mother, a Southern belle desperately clinging to the past; his sister, a woman too fragile to function in society; and himself, a struggling, young poet working at a warehouse to pay the bills. Williams has managed toRead More Alienation in Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie Essay examples943 Words  | 4 PagesAlienation in Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie Life is a lonely tale of alienation, as Tennessee Williams conveys though his play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie.†Williams surrounds Laura in isolation from a world in which they wish to belong to by using various symbols. The symbolic nature of the motifs hidden within the lines of this play provides meaning to the theme found consistent throughout the play: Individuals are all alone in the world. Williams brilliantly illuminates theRead More Essay on the Symbolism of the Menagerie in The Glass Menagerie1002 Words  | 5 PagesThe Symbolism of the Menagerie in The Glass Menagerie    Tennessee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, describes three separate characters, their dreams, and the harsh realities they face in a modern world. The Glass Menagerie exposes the lost dreams of a southern family and their desperate struggle to escape reality. Williams use of symbols adds depth to the play. The glass menagerie itself is a symbol Williams uses to represent the broken lives of Amanda, Laura and Tom Wingfield andRead MoreEssay about Williamss Use of Symbolic Reference in The Glass Menagerie851 Words  | 4 Pagesof Symbolic Reference in The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams wrote The Glass Menagerie basing it on himself and his life, although not always in detail. Tennessees life was not one of perfection. It had a lot of downs causing the play to be a very sentimental, dimly lighted and emotionally play. Although this play has a very basic story line Tennessee use of symbolism crates a much more meaningful story of the Wingfild family. Symbolism is used in almost everyRead MoreSymbolism in the Glass Menagerie Essay831 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism in The Glass Menagerie Symbolism plays a fundamental part in Tennessee Williams’s play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†. Examples of the use of symbolism include the fire escape, as an escape from the family, the phonograph, as an escape from reality, the unicorn, as a symbol for Lauras uniqueness and the father’s photograph, representing something different to each character. Through recognition of these symbols, a greater understanding of the play’s theme is achieved. ThroughoutRead More Three Important Symbols in The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams1429 Words  | 6 PagesThree Important Symbols in The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams      In Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie, the narrator is used to reveal elements of Williams own life as a victim of the Depression in the 1930s. Williams does this through his eloquent use of symbolism. Three symbols seem to reveal Williams intent especially accurately; the unicorn, the picture of Mr. Wingfield, and Malvolios coffin trick.             The unicorn is a symbolic representation of ways
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thesis Titles Free Essays
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology College of Architecture AR-443 Assignment In Research Method Submitted By: Neonimfa G. Angala Ar-4A Submitted to: Arch. Ofelia M. We will write a custom essay sample on Thesis Titles or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bawan Title: VERTICAL HOUSING + SMALL SCALE FARM (hydroponics and aeroponics) Abstract: Agriculture is the main industry of the people because of its naturally rich soil. Lowland crops such as rice, corn, onions, vegetables and sugarcane are produced in great quantities and Nueva Ecija is widely referred to as the Rice Bowl of the country. Agriculture has played a vital role in molding the culture of the people. The typical Novo Ecijano family is tightly knit and is the basic working unit on the farm. Nueva Ecija is one of the top producers of agricultural products in the country. Its principal crops are mainly rice but corn and onion are also produced in quantity. The province is often referred to as the â€Å"Rice Granary of the Philippines. †Other major crops are onion, mango, calamansi (calamondin orange), banana, garlic, and vegetables. The town of Bongabon at the eastern part of the province at the foot of the Sierra Madre Mountains and its neighbouring Laur and Rizal are the major producers of onion and garlic. Bongabon is called the â€Å"onion capital of the country†. A sunflower farm is also housed inside the Central Luzon State University campus in Science City of Munoz. Nowadays in Nueva Ecija most of the farmlands were turn to subdivisions and sometimes commercial buildings and houses. To have a solution to these problems, the purpose of this project is to have a spacious place for dwelling and for farming without losing the farmland in the Nueva Ecija. It also aims to have a land for those people who want to farm exactly inside his property without buying any farmlands. Instead of horizontal widening, it is vertically. Title: How Architects Manage his Time Between God and his Profession. Abstract: Man was designed with a great capacity for God. But sin, which is man’s own individuality, pride and wrong thinking, keeps him from relating to God. Sin is a wrong relationship with God – it is not wrong doing, but wrong being – it is deliberate and stubborn independence from God, triggered by choice and personal insecurity masked as pride. He has the freedom to make choices, but he cannot choose the consequences of his choices. They will turn around and define his circumstances. Spending time for work and for God is hard specially if one choose work over God. The problem is can architects manage to equally spend their time praising God and doing work? How can it change his life if he choose God instead of work? Title: Edutainment: An Eco-Friendly Educational Amusement Park Abstract: Amusement parks and theme parks are terms for a group of entertainment attractions, rides, and other events in a location for the enjoyment of large numbers of people. An amusement park is more elaborate than a simple city park or playground, usually providing attractions meant to cater specifically to certain age groups, as well as some that are aimed towards all ages. Theme parks, a specific type of amusement park, are usually much more intricately themed to a certain subject or group of subjects than normal amusement parks. Nowadays some schools hold field trips to amusement parks may be because amusement parks don’t have educational purposes for the students and other spectators. The usual amusement park is just filled with rides and for leisure only. The project aims to be educational at the same time having a great time inside the amusement park for the students and also for young children to learn faster. With great sustainable ways that can help the amusement park to be an eco-friendly. How to cite Thesis Titles, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Dead Poets Society The Influence Of Transcendental Thinking Essay Example For Students
Dead Poets Society: The Influence Of Transcendental Thinking Essay The Influence of Transcendental Thinking Transcendental thinking has an extremely empowering and influential effect upon whoever listens to its teachings. Transcendental thinkers such as Ralph Wallow Emerson and Henry David Thoreau greatly influence three main characters from Dead Poets Society. The movie Dead Poets Society reveals the influence of transcendental thinking on the lives of Todd Anderson, Charlie Dalton and Neil Perry through the writings of Ralph Wallow Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and other Romantics. Todd Anderson is a reserved, timid boy who, at first. Shies away from Mr.. Settings teachings. Emerson quote We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents is fitting, because Todd keeps to himself so much and is so afraid to express the divinity that God has given him, that the very thought of writing a poem, as Keating says, scares the hell out of him. However, when Mr.. Keating calls him up to yap and describe what he sees In Walt Whitman face in a picture, his poetic and creatively expressive side is uncovered. Emerson quote None but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried can be directly linked to the previously mentioned situation and also when Todd decides to stand on his desk and disobey the headmasters rules as a tribute to Mr.. Keating. Toddys spontaneity, his sudden outburst of emotions and refusal to conform to the startled and enraged headmasters orders reveal at this time the powerful Influence that Transcendental thinking has had on him. The quote from Thoreau that could be used for Neil Perry is: If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Neil loves to act, and he has heart set on pursuing his dreams of acting. The only factor keeping Nell from building the ladder to reach his dreams Is his father, who Insists that he Is throwing away his future with this silly acting business and should Instead go to military school, attend Harvard for ten years and become a doctor. Neil is influenced by Transcendental thinking when he becomes optimistic about his father listening to him for once about his passion for acting and permitting him stay in the play, which he does. Another example is when Nils emotions momentarily burst forth spontaneously to defend his love for acting, when he Is being grilled by his father, insisting that he not waste his time on It at the expense of other, more lucrative opportunities. Nevertheless, Knells culled Is not influenced by Transcendental thinking because it is apparent he was not optimistic f the possible turnout of his situation later on and instead decided to commit suicide and take the easy way out. Emerson quote Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist Is proper In Charlie Talons case because he Is the most unique, creative, and ornery Individual Transcendental thinking and the Latin phrase Carper diem (seize the day). Charlie transforms from a bored, nonchalant boy to a non-conforming, optimistic and daring person who renames himself Antenna. His spontaneity causes him to unexpectedly ring two girls to a Society meeting and declare that he has slipped in an article on behalf of the Dead Poets Society in the school newspaper demanding that girls be accepted into Walton Academy. He also becomes terribly spontaneous and daring and does not rationally consider the consequences of seizing the day and pulling the stunt of God calling and telling the headmaster that girls should be allowed to attend Walton. At this point, the quote Speak what you think now in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, even though it contradict everything you said today from Emerson is a powerful echo of what Charlie has done: expressed his opinions for what he strongly believed in and stood up for it. .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 , .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .postImageUrl , .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 , .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565:hover , .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565:visited , .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565:active { border:0!important; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565:active , .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565 .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud569c07dde581c046666cbabcc541565:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: While literature should be defined as the moral of life, poetry is the most presentable way to stir the human-mind EssayThe influence of Transcendental thinking is extremely powerful to the open-minded. Non-conformity, optimism, spontaneity, and emotions are a few of the qualities of Transcendental thinkers. In Dead Poets Society, Todd Anderson, Neil Perry and Charlie Dalton were influenced by Transcendental thinking in some way to make some important decisions in their lives that contributed to the ending of the film.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Agamemnon free essay sample
In attempting to do a character analysis of Agamemnon, there were several things that I took into consideration. Agamemnon’s personality which was revealed I the things he said and the words he spoke, what he thought, what he did and what the other characters said about him and by how the other characters reacted towards him. I feel as though Agamemnon personality was the most important aspect of his character, but his physical appearance also contributed to his actions.After reading Iliad, I felt as though Agamemnon is also characterized by his personality and most definitely by the things he did and said. Agamemnon is characterized by what he does. King Agamemnon began many disastrous chains of events when he refused to return Chrysies to her begging father. Many saw him as being foolish and selfish. Agamemnon was stuck up and self centered. Agamemnon, the commander in chief of the Achaean Army resembled Achilles, even though he didn’t appear to be as strong as Achilles. We will write a custom essay sample on Agamemnon or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Agamemnon was very hot tempered and insulting.Agamemnon was very arrogant and out spoken. Agamemnon insisted on leading his army against the Trojans, even though it was actually his brother, Menelaus who had the real problem against them. He never allowed the Achaeans to forget he was the king, he loved rubbing in the fact that he was the top gun/ruler. Agamemnon was further characterized by he said. Again, Agamemnon displayed selfishness and foolishness when he refused to return Chrysies to her pleading father. Agamemnon displayed arrogance when snapping at Achilles.He said things like â€Å"I’m coming to your hut and taking Brussels†and â€Å"stronger I am than you†. He though he was better than and better off than everyone else. Agamemnon aimed directly at Achilles pride and honor when he so proudly said words that he eventually regretted. Agamemnon’s self words also began a chain of tragic events. Agamemnon was also characterized by what others said and though about him. Some though Agamemnon had good family values and that he was aware of the importance of family order and piece.He showed devotion and loyalty to his brother. Others felt Agamemnon let his emotions make wrong decisions on critical matters. Some felt Agamemnon was not qualified for the role of king. In the play, he was given advice not to take Briseis but he does and this begins a chain of events that leads into hundreds of Achaean solders being killed. Finally in summary, Agamemnon was weak and unfair. He wanted to be a know-it-all but wasn’t. He made many wrong decisions while in his depressive state and while he was discouraged.He didn’t understand that a ruler shouldn’t have been succumbed by his own words, ideas and desires as he was. He didn’t realize that he needed to be responsible and that he needed to put his own personal needs aside and make the needs of the community his first priority. He was too wrapped up in himself. He made his first error by not understanding what his limitations where. Finally, Agamemnon exhibited the characteristics of stubbornness, cowardice and immaturity. Basically his dangerous and selfish pride was a reoccurring theme throughout the story.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Benefits to Getting a College Degree
Benefits to Getting a College Degree Being in college is hard in many ways: financially, academically, personally, socially, intellectually, physically. And most students question why they are trying to get a college degree at some point during their college experience. Simple reminders of the reasons why you want to get a college degree can help keep you on track when you feel like getting off. Tangible Reasons to Get a College Degree Youll make more money: figures range from several hundred thousand to a million dollars or more over your lifetime. Regardless of the details, however, youll have more income.Youll have a lifetime of increased opportunities. More job openings, more chances at promotions, and more flexibility with which jobs you take (and keep) are just a few of the doors that will be opened when you have your degree in hand.Youll be more empowered as an agent in your own life. Youll be better educated about the things that have an impact on your day-to-day existence: knowing how to read a lease, having an understanding of how the markets will influence your retirement accounts, and handling the finances of your family. A college education can empower you in all kinds of ways to be more in control of your lifes logistics.Youll be better able to weather adversity. From having more money available (see #1 in this list!) in a savings account to having marketable skills and an education during an economic downturn, having a degree can come in handy when life throws you a curve. Youll always be marketable. Having a college degree is becoming increasingly important in the job market. Consequently, having a degree now will open doors for the future, which will in turn open more doors and make you more marketable later ... and the cycle continues. Intangible Reasons to Get a College Degree Youll lead a more examined life. The critical thinking and reasoning skills you learn in college will stay with you for a lifetime.You can be an agent of change for others. Many social service positions, from doctor and lawyer to teacher and scientist, require a college degree (if not a graduate degree). Being able to help others means you have to educate yourself to do so through your time in school.Youll have more access to resources. In addition to the financial resources, youll have access to through your higher income, youll also have resources in all kinds of unexpected and intangible ways. Your roommate from freshman year who is now an attorney, your friend from chemistry class who is now a doctor, and the person you met at the alumni mixer who may offer you a job next week are the kinds of benefits and resources that are hard to plan for but that can make all the difference in the world.Youll have future opportunities in ways you may not be considering now. When you graduate from college, you may have never even given a second thought to graduate school. But as you get older, you may unexpectedly develop a strong interest in medicine, law, or education. Having that undergraduate degree already under your belt will allow you to pursue your dreams once you realize where they are going. Youll have a strong sense of pride and self. You may be the first person in your family to graduate from college or you may come from a long line of graduates. Either way, knowing you earned your degree will undoubtedly give a lifetime of pride to yourself, your family, and your friends.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Buyer behaviour mkt 2240 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Buyer behaviour mkt 2240 - Essay Example "If a marketer can identify consumer buyer behaviour, he or she will be in a better position to target products and services at them. Buyer behaviour is focused upon the needs of individuals, groups and organisations." (Consumer Buyer Behaviour. 2007). Buyer behaviour is a result of the needs of the consumers. The behaviour of a buyer is his urge to satisfy his needs. The needs of a human being are classified into five by Abraham Maslow. The classification of needs by Maslow is Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem and Self Actualisation needs. According to him physiological need that is the need to satisfy his basic requirements such as food, water, cloth and shelter is the first need of a person. After that the need for safety arises and then the social, esteem and self actualisation needs arises. He says that person will show the urge for a particular need only when his lower level need is satisfied. There are also various other theories that speaks about buyer behaviour. There are many factors that constitute the behaviour of the buyers. Those factors are personality, culture, social groups, perception, attitude, social classes, reference groups etc. The needs of a person and the factors that affect the buyer behaviour are very closely related. If the marketers are really aware of what the needs of the consumers are they can launch their product in the market without any risk of slow movement of goods in the market. A careful and detailed market research will help the companies to understand the behaviour of the buyers properly. The basic motive behind all the buyer behaviour is to lead a better lifestyle. This research work looks into buyer behaviour on a different perspective. Here the interest of the persons for different modes of transport is studied in order to examine the different buyer behaviours. For this purpose of a sample of families from various background is taken to understand the factors that constitute various behaviours. The behaviour of the family is analysed on the basis of ego, attitude, reference groups, personality, attitudes, social classes and personality. Mode of transport is a good means to study how the behaviour of various persons changes at different situations. The choice of the mode of transport generally changes on the basis of the financial background and social status of the persons. Influence of the group that one belongs will also have very good influence on the choice of the mode of transport. Age is also a factor that leads to difference in the choice of mode of transport by different persons. Above all the ego of a person also influences his choi ce of the mode of transport. The different theories that are related to buyer behaviour are seen in brief in this report. Then the different factors that lead to the behaviour of the buyers are seen. After carefully analysing those factors and theories it is integrated into the case of the chosen families to study how the buyer behaviour and the choice of mode of transport are interrelated. Brief accounts of the demographic element of the families are also given later on in the report. Literature framework The main theory that explains the human needs and buyer behaviour theory is Abraham Maslow's 'Need Hierarchy Theory'. Abraham Maslow classified human needs into 5 levels. Beginning from the lower level it is classified as
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Phase 4 Individual Project 4 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Phase 4 Individual Project 4 - Coursework Example The first step would be to develop or at least design various initiatives that might help the local community. This way the company will show the acknowledgment of its role in the setting where it operates and will act accordingly (Mullerat, 2005). Furthermore, it will make connections with other companies in the local scene and this way becomes an integral part of the setting. The next step should focus on the environmental problems that the community experiences. There are several reasons for that. First of all, it is rather difficult to find a community that does not have environmental problems; that is why it often becomes one of the major concerns on the local level. Secondly, by paying its attention to the environmental problems of a community, a company will show its commitment to stay in it for quite a long period of time. The next step that a company should perform to improve its image is to become a role model for other, smaller companies. By doing so, the former will show that it is willing to cooperate and become a valuable contribution to the local scene. Of course, this step requires existence of successful programs that will inspire others. This might be regarded as a motivation for successful completion of the projects. Indeed, it is rather difficult to improve ones image without playing an active role as a leader. The last step should focus on explaining that the environment interest of the local community prevails over corporate interests of the company. This is a sure way to show commitment to sustainable development which is highly praised by the contemporary companies (Pearce & Barbier, 1990). This will be a statement which says that a company does not employ the old ideology of maximizing the return on investment at any cost, but acknowledges its potential impact on the local level, including the environment. Having examined all the points which were mentioned in
Monday, January 27, 2020
Teenage Pregnancy Adverse Reproductive Outcomes Health And Social Care Essay
Teenage Pregnancy Adverse Reproductive Outcomes Health And Social Care Essay Teenage pregnancy is a critical public health issue in both the developing and developed world. It has been thought to have an intrinsic effect on the infant and maternal morbidity and mortality statistics worldwide. In its publication, the State of the Worlds Children report, UNICEF stated that worldwide over 500,00 women of all age groups die yearly and 70000 females aged 15-19 years would die during child birth [1] . Currently, evidence of causal hypothesis is conflicting and inconclusive as to whether adverse outcomes are the result of immaturity of the reproductive system or attributable to other socio-demographic characteristics of adolescents .A study demonstrated that majority of pregnant adolescents had no source of income and lacked health insurance [2] .Teenagers were also found to be more likely to be single, less educated and receive or attend insufficient antenatal care when compared with older mothers [3-5] . Fraser et al conducted a large population-based study which showed that pregnancy in adolescence was associated with an inherently increased risk for obstetric and neonatal outcomes [6] .However, some other studies demonstrated a lack of association attributing the outcome to social factors. This article aims to review, critically appraise, and synthesise evidence from original publications of observational studies on the relationship between teenage pregnancy and adverse reproductive outcomes. It focuses mainly on prematurity, low birth weight and route of delivery as there are a myriad of adverse birth outcomes-maternal: preeclampsia, anaemia, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), perineal tears, instrumental delivery, caesarean delivery and infant-related complications: prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, small for gestational age, perinatal morbidity- attributable to teenage pregnancy and there is strict limitation on the article word count. Methodology: literature search and selection of studies A literature search on teenage pregnancy and adverse reproductive outcomes of primary studies published in the last 10 years was carried out .Included studies were journal articles published in the English language-this limitation confers some degree of bias to the review. Epidemiological evidence for this review is defined as observational studies- cross-sectional surveys, case-control studies, retrospective cohort studies and prospective cohort studies. Database searching of Medline (U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland) and Embase (Elsevier) was conducted using the following keyword phrases and related terms as search terms teenage pregnancy or pregnancies, adolescent pregnancy or pregnancies and pregnancy outcome, adverse reproductive outcomes and related terms(refer appendix 1). The Medline search yielded 110 articles but reviewing the abstracts showed only few of the studies met the inclusion criteria or were readily available online or in print. A similar search conducted on the Embase database yielded less promising results. Additional journal articles were located by reviewing cited references and citation tracking of some of the selected studies. The related article or similar article feature of some journals was used to identify similar studies and their abstracts were reviewed to check if they met the selection criteria. Case studies, case reports, editorials, and reviews were excluded from the search. Selection criteria To be included in this review, the selected studies had to meet the following criteria: -teenage pregnancy is defined as pregnancy in young women under 20 years -women above 35 years old were either excluded from or treated as an independent category in the study as they are known to have high obstetric risks -must demonstrate some statistical description and /or analysis of confounding variables in the association between teenage pregnancy and adverse reproductive outcomes -should have some comparative element in which teenagers are compared with a suitable reference category -outcome measures include at least two of the following: prematurity preterm delivery, Caesarean section (CS), low birth weight (LBW), infant mortality, neonatal mortality, perinatal mortality, maternal mortality, severe anaemia, preeclampsia and eclampsia -a significance assessment can be made either by using p-values or confidence intervals Table 1:Characteristics of selected studies Authors Publication year(Study period) Setting Study design Sample size Age of teenage subjects(years) Outcome measures of interest Confounding variables considered Other study characteristics Ekwo and Moawad [3] 2000(1989-1995) U.S.A Hospital based retrospective cohort 6,072 3 groups-=15,16-17,18-19 20-24 as reference group Preterm birth, low birth weight Maternal smoking, drug abuse, insurance status, adequacy of prenatal care, median family income, marital status Primaparous black women , singleton pregnancies Bukulmez et al [7] 2000(1990-1998) Turkey Hospital-based matched case-control study 4,470(1,490 cases,3980 controls) Cases:15-19 controls:20-34 stratified during analysis as =17,18-19,20-34 Low birth weight, preterm delivery, pregnancy induced hypertension(preeclampsia, eclampsia),LBW, Antenatal care, gravidity, parity, Singleton pregnancies, subjects matched on marital status, socioeconomic class and ethnicity-white married women of high social status Jolly et al [4] 2000(1988-1997) United Kingdom Hospital based retrospective cohort 341,708
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Diversity in America Essay
In an ideal world, humanity would understand that all mankind is created equally; that the underlying truth of each of us is goodness, and that through awareness, conscious choice and the willingness to create positive change, we could live in a world where diversity is celebrated. We would leave behind the substantial racist and oppressing patterns that exits in this world, specifically in the United States of America. It is said that the U. S. is a melting pot of cultures, and that we are a country of immigrants existing together as a new culture, living under the values of a democracy based on freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yet this policy is completely disregarding the fact that as immigrants, we brutally committed genocide to the Native Americans. The dominant race in the U. S. A. is made up of white Euro-centric people, and looking at the patterns that exist in this culture is important to examine the history, the ways in which racism is alive and how and who is affected. We all must look at how, as an individual and within a community, we can work towards positive change, healing and understanding. As a society, we have committed and perpetuated the oppression of different cultures specifically the Native Americans, the Native Africans and the many immigrants from different countries. In the early history of the U. S. government, it is clear that there was a systematic method that aimed to remove the Native Americans from the land that was desired by the colonists, with the malicious intention to commit genocide. The first example of the patterns of racism that were established is seen in the fabrication of stereotypes onto the Native Americans. It was said that the Natives were â€Å"barbarians†and that they would rape and murder women and children and that they â€Å"served the devil†(Tataki, 1993, p. 41). The whites held the belief that the Natives were occupying land that the colonists felt entitled to. â€Å"White people also justified the genocide by saying that Native Americans died from diseases they were biologically unable to resist†(Kivel, 2002, p.126). It is a known fact that smallpox were given to the Natives as a way to kill them. Multiple examples exist throughout the history of the whites murdering, raping and unjustly exploiting almost every aspect of the Native’s culture. After committing such horrendous violations we are left with the inability to change all that has occurred and a great sadness that produces guilt, blame and anger that often stagnates a healing process and increases denial and avoidance. The Native American population has almost completely been destroyed. â€Å"At the time Columbus arrived in the West Indies there were approximately fifteen million indigenous people†¦ today†¦ the population of native Americans in the United States is around three million according to U. S. government census figures†(Kivel, 2002, p. 124) and the remaining Natives in America are mostly confined to reservations. This small fraction of designated land is no longer their original sacred land but it is being raped for natural resources. White settlers not only committed genocide but they also enslaved the Native Americans. This pattern of entitlement and abuse was continued with the legal capturing and enslavement of people of African decent with as much violence and oppression. The history of slavery in the United States that occurred through 1619 to 1865 began soon after the English colonists first settled in Virginia and lasted until the passage of the thirteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. â€Å"Over the next twenty five years Virginia passed a series of laws that legalized slavery, producing a radically subordinate and stigmatized class below that of all whites†(Kivel, 2002, p.130). Although technically slavery was abolished in1865, a linage of abuse and inhumane treatment was installed and has been carried into this day and age providing a challenge to accept and comprehend the past. In an attempt in understanding black oppression, there are aspects that demonstrate this injustice. They are institutional racism, racist knowledge and power relations that are played out in our culture and in no way have anything to do biology. Individuals and societies have created and used race as a means to oppress and overpower other groups of people. Racial oppression is when a group of people dominates another for their own benefit disregarding justice and respect through the use of violence and defining and discriminating racial differences. This dominant group receives various benefits although in the larger picture all sides loose for the continuation of a pattern of pain and injustice is insured through these actions. African-Americans are a case of this racial oppression. They were turned into slaves because of the color of their skin. It is shocking that it did not start this way and that through the power of the U. S.government slavery laws were passed that enabled the white masters to turn the blacks into slaves. This is an example of the institutional racism used to enslave the blacks. Because of this occurrence, we, as a society, must break down the residual stereotypes that have instilled fear, pain and disconnection between the races, and to change the model that exists even at this point in time. Another example of racism in the U. S. is seen in the treatment of immigrants. This subject is personal, for on my father’s side of my family I am part of the first generation born in American. My father’s parents immigrated to the U. S. , to escape the holocaust and I am sure shared the dreams of the majority of different immigrants who traveled to the â€Å"land of opportunity,†escaping places of war and economic devastation to begin and pursue a new and better life. Through the duration of attending a class studying the diversity in America I have gained painful yet poignant knowledge of the racism that is still perpetrated upon immigrants, specifically on Jewish people. I have recently learned that groups of neo-Nazis congregate and commit acts of violence against Jewish people and immigrating races. This is terrifying to me and feels unacceptable while we live under a constitution that allows personal expression but does not permit such distinct racist and violent behavior. I am grateful and saddened that because I was raised in a protected and privileged community I have rarely experienced oppression and hateful discrimination when it so readily exists in our culture. In the past few months I find myself cycling through heartbreak, anger and disbelief of the injustice that has and still occurs, and then to a yearning for healing and equality for all. I remain in a space of wonderment, questioning the fact that although laws have been installed to prevent the acts of racism, fear, ignorance and violence is bubbling hot under the surface of our society, and we are a long way from a complete shift in humanity that I crave. I do believe there is hope. I believe that in gaining the truth of the past and diminishing ignorance of the harm that was and still is being done we open a door that may aid in the battles that are still being fought. Although the brutality of racism is alive, the potential to fight for the rights of all the people who live upon this American soil is possible, but the truth of the history and the attainment of awareness must be brought to fruition. Reference List Kivel, Paul, (2002). Uprooting racism: How White People Can Work For Racial Justice. Gabriola Island, BC VOR 1X0, Canada: New Society Publishers. Takaki, Ronald, (1993). A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. New York, NY: Time Warner Book Group.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Furthering My Education Furthermore
Throughout my educational experience, writing has never been one of my strong points. I have also found difficulty in to discussing my shortcomings with strangers. For the sake of furthering my education, I will attempt to push these difficulties to the side and live up to my potential as a successful college student and a young mother of two. Allow me to take you through my journey. In the summer of 2004, I was accepted into a â€Å"Groups Program†at Indiana University. I was thrilled to be going to college. All of my family was ecstatic as well since I was the first member of the family to attend.The â€Å"Groups Program†was a program of about 300 minority students from all over the state of Indiana who were guaranteed all four years of college to be paid for if we completed six weeks of classes on campus before the fall semester began. Six weeks? This should be a breeze especially since my best friend, Coyalett, was accepted as well. We would also be rooming togeth er. The problem with that was we had too much fun. We did exactly what we did in Anderson (marijuana), and we were kicked out in two weeks. Dang! So much for making the family proud. Back to Anderson it was, and I was really bummed out.Here I was, a few weeks out of High School, and I already messed up my shot at going to college. I didn’t give up though. I applied to IU on my own, and I could not believe they accepted me to come back in the fall. I felt that I was experiencing some sort of miracle, or it could have been the fact that I graduated high school with a 3. 8. Either way I was excited to have a second chance at obtaining a college degree. My best friend was not so lucky. I believe she ended up doing some schooling via the Internet. Oh well, I was on my way to a better future and nothing or no one was going to stop me.Boy, was I wrong. When I went back to Bloomington, I met another freshman named Heather. We really hit it off. She was extremely nice, and we had a fe w things in common. She was from Muncie (which is not too far from me), we liked the same music, we had the same style, and we liked to smoke weed. We were together every day. Heather did not mind doing it all day long. Since the opportunity to smoke was always there, I did it too. My grades began to slip dramatically. School work and marijuana just does not mix. The times that I did show up to class, I probably was stoned.Drugs and school are a really bad combination, and I had a very hard time juggling the two. Still, I was not going to give up. I’m not really a give-up type of girl. The only problem with that is I didn’t want to give up either of the two. So I made it through the first semester without getting busted or giving up. My GPA was about a 1. 2, and I was placed on academic probation. I stuck around because I was not ready to go home yet. I was having too much fun, and I wanted to finish my education. The spring semester began alright. I was smart enough t o begin my first class at one o’clock in the afternoon.Therefore, I was attending classes more. Only now I had a problem with driving home every weekend to see my boyfriend. This took time away from studying and also cost me a lot of gas money and about $1000 in speeding tickets. During that time, I felt my family and boyfriend were worth all of that. I got my GPA up to about a 2. 5, and in May, I was ready to go home for summer vacation. I did not know that I was a couple weeks pregnant! I found that out about a week or two of being at home. I was disgusted with myself. It took me a few months to actually get excited at the thought of having a baby.I ended up breaking up with my boyfriend during the summer. He was extremely jealous and abusive, and I just had enough. I definitely did not want to raise my son around him. I went back to IU that fall almost five months pregnant, and I remember being ashamed. I wore really big clothes, and I was depressed and afraid. I hated bei ng so far away from home being pregnant and alone. Yet, I still did not want to give up. Especially since I had a huge responsibility coming in a few more months. So I attended all my classes, and I studied more than I did the previous year. It helped that I was not doing drugs anymore, too.I would never do that to my child. So besides feeling so alone, I was doing alright as far as my school work went. Until a day in October when I was rushed to the ER in Bloomington. I had actually just gotten back to Bloomington from a trip home to see my family when I decided to go to Starbucks and get ready to work all night on school work. For no reason at all, I blacked out in the line at Starbucks and hit my head on a counter. I do not remember much but the feeling of people swarming over me and voices that sounded a million miles away. The ride to the emergency room was bumpy, and I was terrified.I have never ridden in an ambulance before under any circumstance, and I had no idea what was g oing on. All I could think about was my unborn child. Was he alright? Did I hurt him in any way when I fell? Is he going to live? When I arrived at the hospital, I never felt so alone in my life. I wanted my mommy. And out of nowhere, a little Japanese lady entered my room and held my hand. She would have to do. She stayed with me the whole time, and I had never seen her a day in my life. She was a friend of a friend of my mother’s. I really did not care at that point. I was just so happy to have someone there by my side.The doctors checked on my baby and ran a few test and released me early the next morning. My child was alright. The doctors had discovered that my iron was really low, and that’s what caused the blackout. The thought of the scariest day of my life repeating itself again was enough to send me packing and on my way back to Anderson. So I got plenty of rest until I delivered my baby on January 11th, 2006. This was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I had a 6lb 9oz Golden Child, and I was the proudest person alive. Motherhood was nice. I had a job at Wendy’s, and I had my own apartment.I was so busy being a mom that I sort of forgotten about my education. Well, it was put on the back burner of my mind. A day after my son’s first birthday, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. Wow, two kids and I’m still working the drive-thru at Wendy’s. I was devastated until August 25th, 2007. That’s when I became a mother to the most beautiful baby girl I’d ever rested my eyes upon. I was so proud to be a mother to these two children. Although I was proud, I was extremely busy now. I ended up getting fired from Wendy’s after being there for more than two years.I tried almost everywhere to get a job, and I did not have any luck. After a couple months of this, I decided to get certified as a nursing assistant. I always wanted to be a nurse to begin with, and I figured I could start th ere and work my way up. I also knew that I would not have a problem finding a job once I was certified. I worked really hard during my training, and I passed the class with a 98%. I was proud of myself and amazed that I got back in the rhythm of being a student. I wanted more. I wanted more for my children. Two days after I passed the state test, I began working at a nursing home. I love what I do.I started there in 2008, and I’m still with them today. I’m actually passionate about what I do. The feeling is amazing. After seeing how I could perform in a school setting, I knew I could do it again. After each day of looking in my children’s eyes, I knew I had to do it again. I want a better future for those two. I want a better future for me. I want them to be as proud of me as I am of them. I now understand that the only way to achieve this is by furthering my education. So this is what it feels like to grow up. It took two children to help me realize this, and I wouldn’t trade them in for ten worlds.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Secret River By Kate Grenville - 1231 Words
The Secret River is written by Kate Grenville, an internationally well-known author. It’s also her most influential magnum opus. Kate Grenville said, her mother’s grandfather was a poor man from London and sentenced to be sent to Australia because of stealing timbers in the early nineteenth century. After arriving to Sidney, he thought presumingly that he finally had his own land. The thing makes Grenville curious is that the land was supposed to belong to aboriginal people but how her grandfather could make a living on this land. It’s important for her to know about if her grandfather dealt with this problem by gun or even gave the exchange to aboriginal people. Therefore, she did a lot of historical researches and wrote novel The Secret River eventually. This is a story about family and Australia. It’s also a story about more than a family that narrates a complicated relationship between Australia’s aboriginal people and white colonists. It happened in the early nineteenth century in England and Australia. William Thornhill, the hero came from a family of little money and suffered from hunger and cold since childhood. Afterwards, Thornhill was apprenticed to Sal’s father and became a capable boatman on the river of Thames, also got married with Sal. However, after Sal’s parents died one after the other, their living got more and more poverty-stricken so that Thornhill had to make a living by stealing. Once during the action, they were being found and his brother wasShow MoreRelatedThe Secret River By Kate Grenville1267 Words  | 6 PagesAttaining an honest and genuine level of self-awareness and knowledge in any walk of life is not a feat easily achieved. In Kate Grenville’s novel The Secret Riv er we see William Thornhill endeavouring to come to grips with his environment and social standing. Subsequently in F Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald’s titular hero’s internal struggle with persona and ambition; prevent him from realizing such a victory. William Thornhill’s world begins in a Dickensian London, and is thenRead MoreMysteries of Austrailia in The Secret River by Kate Grenville604 Words  | 2 PagesWhat secrets of history dwell rooted in the emotional depths of the muddled Australian river? Kate Grenville, an Australian author delves into the conflicts, encounters and relations between the Indigenous Australians and the European settlers within her novel ‘The Secret River’. The Secret River is part of a trilogy, published in 2005 and is a piece of historical fiction set upon the colonisation of Australia. Grenville uncovers a perspective on the bloody and fierce events that have been lost toRead MoreThe Secret River By Kate Grenville And William Shakespeare1467 Words  | 6 PagesHow has the Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference and power? The Secret River, set in England and Australia, was written by Kate Grenville in 2006. William Shakespeare’s play Othello was written in 1603 and set in Venice. Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference and power. They have cohesive ideas of power such as the use of structureRead MoreEssay on The Secret River1141 Words  | 5 PagesThe Secret River Essay Characters in the text The Secret River by Kate Grenville represent a variation of attitudes and views towards the colonisation of Australia and the Aboriginal Australians. While many characters are indecisive about their opinion on the natives, some characters have a clear mind-set on how they are to be treated. The characters of Thomas Blackwood and Smasher Sullivan represent the two very different sides of the moral scale, and the other characters fit between these sidesRead MoreSecret River1665 Words  | 7 PagesShaira Sanchez 05/09/12 Shaira Sanchez 05/09/12 The Secret River by Kate Grenville Essay Explain the way that narrative devices have been employed by an author to construct a representation of people or places in at least one text that you have studied. You must make specific reference to â€Å"The Secret River.†One of Australia’s finest writers Kate Grenville wrote The Secret River which challenges traditional gender roles of women in the early nineteenth century London and Australia.Read MoreCritical Analysis Of The Secret River1703 Words  | 7 Pagesevaluate how (language features) and why (contexts) different interpretations are represented in the study text and how those has enhanced your interpretations of the text. The Secret River (2013) a play adapted by Andrew Bovell from the book of the same title by Kate Granville, is set in colonial Australia along the Hawkesbury River. It focuses on the Thornhill Family, an English family recently transported to Australia and the Dhurag people, an Aboriginal family already living on the land. The purposeRead MoreHow Does Kate Grenville’s Novel, the Secret River, Complicate Simplistic Views of the Colonial Situation?2759 Words  | 12 PagesHow does Kate Grenville’s novel, The Secret River, complicate simplistic views of the colonial situation? To some extent the past generations have been reared on a patriotic view of past Australian history, interpreting its history as largely a success. Since history is determined by the perspective of from which it is written, this version of Australian history, the Three Cheers view, was written from the perspective of white working-class males, who consider Australian pioneers to be the simpleRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Kate Grenvilles The Secret River Essay845 Words  | 4 PagesKate Grenville is one of Australia’s best known authors, she was born in 1950 in Sidney, Australia. She has won many national and international awards for her writing about Australia’s past and the interactions that may have been taking place between the first settlers and the aborigines. The Secret River was one of these popular novels, which is exploring the past, although it is only historical fiction. The inspiration for writing these historical fictions, came from the fact that she di d not knewRead MoreEssay about Causes and Consequences of Conflict1136 Words  | 5 PagesEncountering Conflict - Secret river A conflicts importance lies not in its causes but in its consequences. In todays rising society, where we experience people willing to strive to their maximum potential by any means necessary, it becomes blatantly obvious to why we often overlook the implications we inflict on others. We are sometimes aware of our actions, acting in spite or in fear, and sometimes ignorant to the situation, unaware of the consequences we deliver. The question is howeverRead MoreThe Secret River Essay1157 Words  | 5 PagesThe Secret River In ‘The Secret River’ by Kate Grenville. Kate explores the tale of the founding of Australia from the view of a poor waterman William Thornhill. From a very poor background, growing up in the South End of London, Thornhill lived through the death of his parents then with the responsibility to care for the other five siblings, he undertook various jobs. Thornhill was lucky enough to get an apprenticeship by Mr.Middleton. Soon enough business went bad as Mr.Middleton’s wife became
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