Friday, March 27, 2020
Agamemnon free essay sample
In attempting to do a character analysis of Agamemnon, there were several things that I took into consideration. Agamemnon’s personality which was revealed I the things he said and the words he spoke, what he thought, what he did and what the other characters said about him and by how the other characters reacted towards him. I feel as though Agamemnon personality was the most important aspect of his character, but his physical appearance also contributed to his actions.After reading Iliad, I felt as though Agamemnon is also characterized by his personality and most definitely by the things he did and said. Agamemnon is characterized by what he does. King Agamemnon began many disastrous chains of events when he refused to return Chrysies to her begging father. Many saw him as being foolish and selfish. Agamemnon was stuck up and self centered. Agamemnon, the commander in chief of the Achaean Army resembled Achilles, even though he didn’t appear to be as strong as Achilles. We will write a custom essay sample on Agamemnon or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Agamemnon was very hot tempered and insulting.Agamemnon was very arrogant and out spoken. Agamemnon insisted on leading his army against the Trojans, even though it was actually his brother, Menelaus who had the real problem against them. He never allowed the Achaeans to forget he was the king, he loved rubbing in the fact that he was the top gun/ruler. Agamemnon was further characterized by he said. Again, Agamemnon displayed selfishness and foolishness when he refused to return Chrysies to her pleading father. Agamemnon displayed arrogance when snapping at Achilles.He said things like â€Å"I’m coming to your hut and taking Brussels†and â€Å"stronger I am than you†. He though he was better than and better off than everyone else. Agamemnon aimed directly at Achilles pride and honor when he so proudly said words that he eventually regretted. Agamemnon’s self words also began a chain of tragic events. Agamemnon was also characterized by what others said and though about him. Some though Agamemnon had good family values and that he was aware of the importance of family order and piece.He showed devotion and loyalty to his brother. Others felt Agamemnon let his emotions make wrong decisions on critical matters. Some felt Agamemnon was not qualified for the role of king. In the play, he was given advice not to take Briseis but he does and this begins a chain of events that leads into hundreds of Achaean solders being killed. Finally in summary, Agamemnon was weak and unfair. He wanted to be a know-it-all but wasn’t. He made many wrong decisions while in his depressive state and while he was discouraged.He didn’t understand that a ruler shouldn’t have been succumbed by his own words, ideas and desires as he was. He didn’t realize that he needed to be responsible and that he needed to put his own personal needs aside and make the needs of the community his first priority. He was too wrapped up in himself. He made his first error by not understanding what his limitations where. Finally, Agamemnon exhibited the characteristics of stubbornness, cowardice and immaturity. Basically his dangerous and selfish pride was a reoccurring theme throughout the story.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Benefits to Getting a College Degree
Benefits to Getting a College Degree Being in college is hard in many ways: financially, academically, personally, socially, intellectually, physically. And most students question why they are trying to get a college degree at some point during their college experience. Simple reminders of the reasons why you want to get a college degree can help keep you on track when you feel like getting off. Tangible Reasons to Get a College Degree Youll make more money: figures range from several hundred thousand to a million dollars or more over your lifetime. Regardless of the details, however, youll have more income.Youll have a lifetime of increased opportunities. More job openings, more chances at promotions, and more flexibility with which jobs you take (and keep) are just a few of the doors that will be opened when you have your degree in hand.Youll be more empowered as an agent in your own life. Youll be better educated about the things that have an impact on your day-to-day existence: knowing how to read a lease, having an understanding of how the markets will influence your retirement accounts, and handling the finances of your family. A college education can empower you in all kinds of ways to be more in control of your lifes logistics.Youll be better able to weather adversity. From having more money available (see #1 in this list!) in a savings account to having marketable skills and an education during an economic downturn, having a degree can come in handy when life throws you a curve. Youll always be marketable. Having a college degree is becoming increasingly important in the job market. Consequently, having a degree now will open doors for the future, which will in turn open more doors and make you more marketable later ... and the cycle continues. Intangible Reasons to Get a College Degree Youll lead a more examined life. The critical thinking and reasoning skills you learn in college will stay with you for a lifetime.You can be an agent of change for others. Many social service positions, from doctor and lawyer to teacher and scientist, require a college degree (if not a graduate degree). Being able to help others means you have to educate yourself to do so through your time in school.Youll have more access to resources. In addition to the financial resources, youll have access to through your higher income, youll also have resources in all kinds of unexpected and intangible ways. Your roommate from freshman year who is now an attorney, your friend from chemistry class who is now a doctor, and the person you met at the alumni mixer who may offer you a job next week are the kinds of benefits and resources that are hard to plan for but that can make all the difference in the world.Youll have future opportunities in ways you may not be considering now. When you graduate from college, you may have never even given a second thought to graduate school. But as you get older, you may unexpectedly develop a strong interest in medicine, law, or education. Having that undergraduate degree already under your belt will allow you to pursue your dreams once you realize where they are going. Youll have a strong sense of pride and self. You may be the first person in your family to graduate from college or you may come from a long line of graduates. Either way, knowing you earned your degree will undoubtedly give a lifetime of pride to yourself, your family, and your friends.
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