Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Insider Secret on Berlin Crisis Essay Topics Exposed
The Insider Secret on Berlin Crisis Essay Topics Exposed Truly, the options are endless and usually, a small overwhelming. One of the greatest methods to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. On the flip side, there are a few scholars who believe that in some situations it's practically impossible to fix humanitarian crises without the using forceful strategies. A number of attempts to discover a diplomatic solution were fruitless. Get the Scoop on Berlin Crisis Essay Topics Before You're Too Late Life must be quite hard, they imagine, for decent American citizens who are making an effort to deal with the influx of undocumented immigrants. For years the 2 nations were fighting a silent battle. Countries will merely accept small quantities of refugees or none in any respect. These countries mostly have a Muslim background with just a few quantities of Christians. The Bad Secret of Berlin Crisis Essay Topics If you're authentic, nobody can write the exac t essay as you! You've got an option to select one of the greatest topics for argumentative essay from our list! In order to get this done, you want to get a list of argumentative essay topics, decide on the very best for you and present strong arguments. If you are searching for examples of argumentative essays, here's a sample that will help you out! Berliners were already starting to dig in their pantries. Before actually beginning to compose your essay, you have to choose an issue to write about. If you opt to be a self-employed essay writer, you can expect the exact same. In situations when you get to pick the topic for an argumentative essay, you need to be wise and locate a title that will intrigue a reader. Click this URL to visit the 102 argumentative essay topics. Take a look at how to think of an essay topic! Whatever They Told You About Berlin Crisis Essay Topics Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why If it's necessary to write your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. Berlin has become the main site of political. It was a conflict between the USA and the USSR together with their various allies. The Berlin blockade had a heavy effect on the beginning of the Cold War. The Cold War played a sizable part in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Korean War provided another vital impetus in the struggle against communism. The 30-Second Trick for Berlin Crisis Essay Topics You don't need to find super technical with legal argum entative essays, but make certain to do your homework on what the present laws about your preferred topic actually say. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the main point to do is to select a topic and an argument which you can really get behind. When you are requested to pick a great topic for your argument, start with something you're acquainted with. The key to decide on a fantastic topic for an argumentative essay is to select a subject where there's a lot of debates on topics or stances. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Argumentative essay is about arguing and debating on a subject, which is debatable. The purpose of such essays isn't to demonstrate your knowledge, yet to exhibit the important thinking and analytical skills. In the end, you also have to have the ability to go over each side of the argument to provide a rounded essay. In case you have information for a different component of the timeline project that could be used further down the webpage or on another associated page for one of the countries or organizations involved with the war. It is possible to pick topics from several lists of ready themes. The list is really endless. This list of topics may offer a concept that you could get excited about.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Beowulf - The Immortal Hero Essay - 1490 Words
The epic poem of Beowulf is a story filled with majesty and mourning. Heroes and villains, struggles and victory. Men die, all the time. Along with all of this there is an underlying theme ever present throughout the script. It is the basis for actions, the reason for such passion behind a mans own bloody sword, the lust in his hungry eyes for revenge and conquers. In this time where the afterlife is uncertain, and familiarity is only known to a name, true heroism is the only assurance of identity and remembrance. This theme can be seen in several areas of the book. It begins with the infamous Geats entering the area of the Danes, where such stress is placed by the guard of the coast on the names of the mens fathers and their†¦show more content†¦(20-25) Here, the idea of having a good name is set forth form the very beginning of this tale. The link between heritage and identity is set forth as the most valuable asset in this perplexing time. A father must be a warrior to obtain gold for his heir, an heir must be a warrior to live on and prosper. The way to this fame is through battle and valor. The sword is the symbol of success or complete failure, depending on how courageous the hand is that carries it. Beowulfs answer also confirms this idea. He does not fight the coastguard and coax him to ask him of what he, Beowulf, has done, but he answers the questions put forth. We are Geats, men who follow Higlac. My father was a famous soldier, known far and wide as a leader of men. His name was Edgetho. His life lasted many winters; wise men all over the earth surely remember him still (260-266). Here, Beowulf was quick to explain how great his father was. He also mentioned him as a famous soldier, which seems the best way to become renowned. He was obviously proud to be the son of Edgetho, for he had no problem pronouncing it to the man. His fathers valor is the base of what Beowulf wishes to build on. Unferth is quick to question the authenticity of Beowulfs fame and his story of the swimmers race. It is pointed out that Unferth is jealous of the eminence attained by Beowulf and the lack ofShow MoreRelatedLiterature and HIstory Essay1000 Words  | 4 Pagesmentioned in her quote, literature always have reflected the historical event that was happening on the time the books were written. For instance, expansion of Christianity and the belief of immortal life through being a hero on their own epic, during Anglo-Saxon period is shown on the famous epic; Beowulf. Beowulf himself always summons the lord before his fights and tries to fight Grendel for his own heroic journey. Inhuman behavior of British toward Irish farmers are reflected in Jonathan Swift’sRead MoreBeowulf as a Epic Hero Essay960 Words  | 4 PagesBeowulf Paper A true hero does not fear death or, but instead risks all that he is for what he believes to be right, moral, and just. Beowulf is an epic and tells the story of a legendary hero, conquering all obstacles as if he was immortal. Up until the end of Beowulfs life he was constantly looking to be the hero. However, his humanity is exposed by his death. Heroes all share the characteristic of their willingness to die in their effort to accomplish their heroic act, thus making the actRead More Beowulf - An Epic Hero Essay710 Words  | 3 PagesBeowulf An Epic Hero Beowulf: An Epic Hero Being a hero can be defined many different ways. Several qualities like courage, respect, and strength can define heroism. A hero is noted for his or her actions for being brave, powerful, and acting with honor. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the main character Beowulf shows all of these characteristics by defending the Danish king, Hrothgar, and his people. He is a true hero by honoring his country and exerting his power and strength to protect othersRead More Beowulf is an Epic Hero Essay957 Words  | 4 PagesA true hero does not fear death or, but instead risks all that he is for what he believes to be right, moral, and just. Beowulf is an epic and tells the story of a legendary hero, conquering all obstacles as if he was immortal. Up until the end of Beowulf’s life he was constantly looking to be the hero. However, his humanity is exposed by his death. Heroes all share the characteristic of their willingness to die in their effort to accomplish their heroic act, thus maki ng the act in itself heroicRead More Comparison of Beowulf and Rustam in as Heroes Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesA COMPARISON OF RUSTAM AND BEOWULF Shahnameh or Epic of the Kings was written about ninth or tenth cetury AD by Iranian epic poet ,Ferdowsi, who was a Muslim . Ferdowsi write about a hero,Rustam whose religion during his time was Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism believed in God and the life after death . The religion of the writer and Rustam (Islam and zoroastrianism) have so many things in common . their beliefs about god in life were somehow the same .Rustam fights for his people and his countryRead MoreThe Themes Of Heroism In The Wander By Anglo-Saxon830 Words  | 4 PagesTo start of I selected Beowulf by Anglo-Saxon, the second text I chose was The Wander by Anglo-Saxon. The theme of Beowulf is heroism. Beowulf himself represents the heroic ideal because of his features, strength, and courage, but also because of his intelligence and honor. Beowulf is proud of his strength and great his honor. When Beowulf goes to Heorot, waiting for Grendel, he refuses to keep a weapon. He believes in himself that he can defeat the monster who has devoured many men without usingRead MoreBeowulf: An Intersection of Christian and Pagan Ideals688 Words  | 3 Pages Beowulf: An intersection of Christian and pagan ideals The epic poem Beowulf is the story of a great, ideal hero of Anglo-Saxon, pre-Christian culture transposed into Christian times. It stands on a crossroads of literature: on one hand, it is not written in conventional, standard English and unlike Chaucer it requires a modern translation for a contemporary reader to comprehend it. On the other hand, its essential themes reoccur time and time again in English literature. Its pagan roots areRead MoreBeowulf And Grendel Analysis729 Words  | 3 PagesIn the books Beowulf and Grendel they discuss the meaning of our world, the power of good and evil. Prince of the welders was portrayed as the hero because this spine chilling â€Å"immortal†monster was to be slain at the hands of this warrior. The reason that â€Å"the slayer†wanted to defeat Grendel was so he could keep the riches and try to fill that void that fuels the greed within him. The creation of Grendel was a sound decision due to the aspect that it shows the ul terior motives of the story. TheRead MoreEssay on The Epic of Gilgamesh versus The Epic of Beowulf1147 Words  | 5 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh and Beowulf contain everything we can expect from a great epic literature. It portrays fantastic geographies, exotic characters, exhausting quests, heroic battles with monsters, supernatural beings and natural forces. Most important of all, they are two outstanding stories of a great epic hero who is compelled to meet his destiny and who rises to every challenge with courage and determination. Beowulf is the earliest surviving epic poem written in a modern European languageRead MoreBeowulf : A Hero Or Hero?1092 Words  | 5 PagesCole Jackson Miss Sibbach Honors English IV 10 December, 2014 To Be a Hero, or To Not Be a Hero Countless people have tried to say that Beowulf represents the qualities required of an epic hero, but many people also suggest that Beowulf does not show any of these qualities. While Beowulf shows heroic characteristics in all of his acts, both pride and greed motivate his actions. The story of Beowulf contains all of the information needed to show this, but people do not notice that which they do not
Monday, December 9, 2019
How Does Advertisements Effect Our Daily Life free essay sample
Afternoon, everyone. I am sure everyone sitting here has experienced purchasing a product insprired by its advertisement? Today, I will be talking to you about advertisements and how they affect our daily lives. Advertisements are all around us. It is a form of communication used to persuade its audience to consume the product the companies selling . Advertisements are usually paid for by sponsors and are displayed through various ways such as television, newspapers, brochures, mail, radio, internet and so on. It is nearly impossible for us to not know the latest products in stores. The main objective of commercial advertisers is to increase the consumption of their products or services through branding and packaging. The language of advertising is, of course, normally very positive and emphasizes why one product stands out in comparison with another. Visual content and design also plays a major role in advertising , but dont have high expectations for the product in the image. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Advertisements Effect Our Daily Life? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is most likely to be beautified and exaggerated. That is why It is essential that we identify one product carefully before consuming to prevent the consequences of disappointment after. Although you might think we dont give much attention to the values presented in ads, they actually do have a big impact on our lives. According to a research, on average, an individual is exposed to 3000 advertisements everyday. These ads have great influence on what we eat, wear, how we act and talk. Believe it or not, we are unconciously led to living the way publicity suggests we should. For example, a flawless woman, what was the first image that popped into your head? Is it that of a young, thin lady with flawless skin? If yes, I am not surprised since it is what publicity displays the perfect woman as. But, what does this say about women in general? What a lot of people forget is that most of these images have been modified with computer graphics. In addition, Â only a very small percentage of all women possess this body type, yet many young girls today care too much about their body image and strive to look like what they see through these ads. This may be the reason why today one out of five girls has an eating disorder. In conclusion, Â I feel that it is important to control the influence from advertising. We need to be aware of this as it can be a threat to a healthy conscience and lifestyle..
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Traditional Chinese and Western Medical Approaches an Example of the Topic Health Essays by
Traditional Chinese and Western Medical Approaches Culture has played a great role in developing different approaches to healing. The Western approach is based on many studies and scientific research while Traditional Chinese Medicine, although not as fully-researched as the Western approach, owes its length of existence to its impressive results. Western medical approach is still the one being practiced in hospitals but The Traditional Chinese Medical system is already gaining popularity. It is best to find out more about these two approaches to determine which is a more practical and effective way of healing. Need essay sample on "Traditional Chinese and Western Medical Approaches" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed What is Western Medicine? According to (par. 1), Western or Conventional medicine is practiced by the degree holders of M.D. (medical doctor) or D.O. (doctor of osteopathy) and by their allied health professionals, such as physical therapists, psychologists and registered nurses. One way to understanding Allopathy, another term for Western Medicine, is through its doctors perception of the human body. According to Mike Adams, these physicians launch offensives on the patients body due to their perception that this is battleground on which wars are waged against invaders and tumors. (Western Medicine Believes, par. 2) Once a symptom of a disease like cancer is diagnosed, the allopathic doctor will attack it with different kinds of chemically formulated medicine or with artillery like surgical instruments. In another article, Adams says that conventional Medicine lays its foundations on Western concepts that believe that a body is only a collection of its parts, (Systems of Medicine, par. 4) and that by focusing on each part individually, you can understand the whole. History of Western Medicine Hippocrates of Cos is often hailed as the father of medicine (Mayeaux, par. 3). This famous health practitioner came from Greece and survived in the timeline of around the four to five thousand years before Christ. He understood that nature has the best cures and that the doctor is just a modifier. He tutored his students based on the principle that cures are there to counterattack the symptoms of an illness. People of his time were against dissections but he did what he could to further understand the human anatomy. He was known to have treated skull fractures. After Hippocrates, Galen became the renowned physician. He used his predecessors studies up to a certain extent but formed his own theories which were not as good as Hippocrates. He believed more on his theories than on observation so in the end, he became a detriment to knowing more cures (Mayeaux, pars. 7-9). During the first four centuries, the Catholic Church became the propagators of medicine because of the numerous plagues and invasions However, because of their practicality, whenever something was cured by a perceived object, the treatment is just repeated when a same symptom arose. This strengthened the belief in amulets and other wrong cures (Catholic Encyclopedia, pars. 14-15). The first recordings of a hospital was in around 820 which showed that the monastery of St. Gall already had rooms for the sick, a pharmacy, and room for the doctor. This started the trend with other monasteries in Europe (Mayeaux, par. 33). In 1140, King Roger of Sicily decreed that doctors can only perform medical duties if they had formal studies and by the 13th or 14th century, medicine became a university degree. Because of this formal approach to curing, studies and research fully developed during these times. Herbal medications became popular and cleanliness in hospitals became important. Because guns became widespread, surgery also improved (pars. 37 29). Medical literature developed around the 15th century because of the great advancements in printing. During this period, more hospitals were built and competed with one another. This greatly improved services and cures (pars. 50-54). With printed books on medicine, universities teaching courses and hospitals being constructed, Western medical approach easily developed to become the science that is now in place in modern society. History of Traditional Chinese Medicine Books acknowledge the first historical proof of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to be seen was round 20 centuries ago, TCM may actually go back more than 5000 years (Traditional Chinese Medicine, par. 1). Confusion regarding its history is hard to clarify because TCM records were based on legendary mythical figures. Fu Xi, a cultural hero, was the one who developed the eight trigrams that gave way to the concept of the I Ching or Book of Changes. Herbal medicine was founded by a mythical emperor named Shen Nong. Legend has it that this emperor even tested hundreds of herbs on himself (even the 70 toxic ones) to find cures. These healing concoctions were verbally passed to every generation because the written word has not been invented yet (par. 1) The third legendary figure is not a person but the oldest medical textbook called Hung-Di Nei-Jing (Yellow Emperors Cannon of Internal Medicine). The book must have been written between 800 to 200 B.C. It includes many theories of TCM such as the meridian theory and acupuncture (par. 2). The theoretical foundations of the five elements, yin and yang, and better comprehension of acupuncture developed during the Zhou dynasty (1122 to 256 B.C.). Stone needles were replaced by metal. Somewhere during this era, a Chinese doctor called Bian Que started using pulse to diagnose sicknesses which he cured through acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage and moxibustion (therapy using an herb called moxa). Legend has it that he was summoned to cure a crown prince but when he arrived, the funeral preparations were already in place. He diagnosed the prince to have been in coma and used acupuncture plus herbal medicine to revive him. This was the start of his popularity as a miracle worker who can bring the dead back to life. He refuted this by claiming that the prince was just in coma but his legend lived on (par. 3). Under the Han dynast that a popular doctor, Wang Shuhe, was able to discover that there was a relationship between pulse, physiology and pathology (par. 5). Under the Western Jin dynasty, another doctor called Huang Funi wrote a book called the Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. It is considered a classic which has a dozen volumes and 128 chapters (par. 6). A Chinese alchemist named Ge Hong (281-341 A.D.) was able to write about many symptoms of different diseases (including tuberculosis and small pox) and recorded various formulas to cure these illnesses in the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies (par. 6). Classical Chinese medicine developed very well but by the 1930s, the National government of China prohibited the use of this approach. The ban was lifted thirty years after by Mao Zedong (par. 12). This ruler is also responsible for ensuring that the classical approach was formalized and this gave rise to what is now known as Traditional Chinese Medicine. This gave TCM a proper curriculum in Chinese medical schools and is now being studied not only by Chinese but other Asians and cultures as well. Comparing Western Medicine with TCM TCM and Western medicine approach the human body from different perspectives. TCM sees the individual as part of the cosmos and encompasses mans physiological, emotional and moral balance based on the natural cycle of the earth. It perceives the patients physique as a language of processes rather than structure and tissues and organs (The Body In Balance, par. 5). Conventional medicine, on the other hand, looks at the human body as an anatomy made up of different parts. Diagnosis is based on finding which part of the body is malfunctioning and cure will be concentrated on this area to make it work again. To a Western medical doctor, the body is like a machine that just needs to be tinkered to get it in running condition. An advantage that TCM has over allopathy is in its natural forms of medicine. Western medical solutions often require chemicals that are regarded as toxins by the human body. Another advantage going for TCM is cost. TCM offers many cures to the same diseases that Western medicine heals but the overall price is relatively cheaper and less invasive to the human body. TCM views the body as having an energy that balances itself to the environment while health is described by conventional medicine as the absence of pain or any symptoms of disease. Therefore, a disease for TCM doctors, means there is disharmony within the individual while allopathy would look at it as a digression of the body from the healthy condition. The positive outlook of TCM views symptoms as signs that the body is attempting to heal it self while conventional medicine sees it as a physiological situation that needs to be attacked and controlled. TCM would regard a series of diseases as a result of various effects of things that have destroyed the natural balance within the human body. This takes into account the persons relationships with the people and environment around him. Therefore, TCM requires a more personal approach. Medical doctors would look at each sickness individually. These physicians focus their attention on what is wrong and professionalism puts a wall between the patient and his doctor. The problem, however, of TCM is that it has not taken into account the different harmful inventions that man has made (ex. Pollution). Western medicine, on the other hand, ignores the existence of the energy that Chinese believe in so all diagnosis are merely based on physical evidences that occur. Observation, trial and error are the basis of allopathy. This can mean a series of pain before the healing process is finally made. The strength of TCM is on preventive medicine that considers lifestyle before diseases can develop while Western medicine cures what already has developed. Both approaches are very important in the world of healing and it would be to mans greatest advantage if these can find ways to integrate themselves in finding better cures for the health of mankind. Works Cited Adams, Mike. Western Medicine Believes Health is a War, and the Body is a Battleground that Should be Assaulted. News Target Network. par.2. 4 pars. 30 January 2004. News Target Network. 14 May 2007 Adams, Mike. Systems of Medicine Explained. News Target Network. par. 4. 01 May 2006. News Target Network. 14 May 2007 The Catholic Encyclopedia. History of Medicine. Volume X. Published 1911. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat, October 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. 80 pars. 14 May 2007 Definition of Conventional Medicine. 2007. Medicine Net. 17 pars.14 May 2007 Mayeaux, E.J., Jr. A History of Western Medicine and Surgery. 1989. Louisiana State University Medical Center Shreveport. 56 pars.14 May 2007
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Influence Of Age,gender,extraversion And Experience On Performance Of Aspatial Computer Game.
The influence of age, gender, extraversion and experience on performance of a spatial computer game. Computer games are a popular pastime. Their Psychological impacts have recently become of interest to Psychologists. This is partly due to their nature, popularity and increasing accessibility via the internet. Over the current years, their Psychological impacts have received a rather negative evaluation. Links to aggression are particularly well documented. The general consensus here is games violent and aggressive in nature may facilitate the provocation of aggressive thoughts and possibly actions. (Frindte and Obwexer, 2003; Carnagey and Anderson, 2004; Uhlmann and Swanson, 2004 and Gentile, Lynch, Linder and Walsh, 2004). Recently, the more positive aspects of game playing have been highlighted. Experience of computer games has been suggested to influence the development of certain cognitive skills. For instance, McClurg and Chaille, (1987), reported participation in a computer based mental rotation task, significantly improved participants ability to successfully complete a spatial ability measure. Gender and age did not significantly influence this. More recently, a similar study found this improvement to be greater in participants who were previously classed as possessing relatively weak spatial skills. Gender was found not to influence this. (Subrahmanyam and Greenfield, 1994, cited in Cocking and Greenfield, 1996, p95-114). Both these findings suggest games incorporating spatial awareness may be educationally useful for developing these skills in those whose ability is poor. Yuji, (1996), investigated the effects of past game experience on parallel processing skills using a computer based discriminatory perceptual task. The reaction time of participants with a history of game use was significantly faster, particularly with regards to colour discrimination. Conclusions suggested ex... Free Essays on The Influence Of Age,gender,extraversion And Experience On Performance Of Aspatial Computer Game. Free Essays on The Influence Of Age,gender,extraversion And Experience On Performance Of Aspatial Computer Game. The influence of age, gender, extraversion and experience on performance of a spatial computer game. Computer games are a popular pastime. Their Psychological impacts have recently become of interest to Psychologists. This is partly due to their nature, popularity and increasing accessibility via the internet. Over the current years, their Psychological impacts have received a rather negative evaluation. Links to aggression are particularly well documented. The general consensus here is games violent and aggressive in nature may facilitate the provocation of aggressive thoughts and possibly actions. (Frindte and Obwexer, 2003; Carnagey and Anderson, 2004; Uhlmann and Swanson, 2004 and Gentile, Lynch, Linder and Walsh, 2004). Recently, the more positive aspects of game playing have been highlighted. Experience of computer games has been suggested to influence the development of certain cognitive skills. For instance, McClurg and Chaille, (1987), reported participation in a computer based mental rotation task, significantly improved participants ability to successfully complete a spatial ability measure. Gender and age did not significantly influence this. More recently, a similar study found this improvement to be greater in participants who were previously classed as possessing relatively weak spatial skills. Gender was found not to influence this. (Subrahmanyam and Greenfield, 1994, cited in Cocking and Greenfield, 1996, p95-114). Both these findings suggest games incorporating spatial awareness may be educationally useful for developing these skills in those whose ability is poor. Yuji, (1996), investigated the effects of past game experience on parallel processing skills using a computer based discriminatory perceptual task. The reaction time of participants with a history of game use was significantly faster, particularly with regards to colour discrimination. Conclusions suggested ex...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Conjugate Definition in Chemistry
Conjugate Definition in Chemistry In chemistry, there are three possible definitions of the term conjugate. Three Types of Conjugates (1) A conjugate refers to a compound formed by the joining of two or more chemical compounds. (2) In the Bronsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases, the term conjugate refers to an acid and base that differ from each other by a proton. When an acid and base react, the acid forms its conjugate base while the base forms it conjugate acid: acid base ⇆conjugate base conjugate acid For an acid HA, the equation is written: HA B ⇆A- HB The reaction arrow points both left and right because the reaction at equilibrium occurs in both the forward direction to form products and the reverse direction to convert products back into reactants. The acid loses a proton to become its conjugate base A- as the base B accepts a proton to become its conjugate acid HB. (3) Conjugation is the overlap of p-orbitals across a ÃÆ' bond (sigma bond). In transition metals, d-orbitals may overlap. The orbitals have delocalized electrons when there are alternating single and multiple bonds in a molecule. Bonds alternate in a chain so long as each atom has an available p-orbital. Conjugation tends to lower the energy of the molecule and increase its stability. Conjugation is common in conducting polymers, carbon nanotubules, graphene, and graphite. Its seen in many organic molecules. Among other applications, conjugated systems can form chromophores. Chromophores are molecules that can absorb certain wavelengths of light, leading them to be colored. Chromophores are found in dyes, the photoreceptors of the eye, and glow in the dark pigments.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Report on Public Key Encryption Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Report on Public Key Encryption - Assignment Example The process becomes more secure when the numbers are longer. There are two keys and they include the private and public keys. For example, the smartcard and a padlock for the private and public keys, respectively. For example, Kevin could send Alice important data that he wants to ensure only she gets to read it. Therefore, Kevin encrypts the data with Alice’s public key since only Alice knows this public key hence she alone can encrypt the data in its original form. An individual needs to prove that he or she owns the identity when they are online. This is because the document needs to recognize the identity of the user in order to know the person (Paar & Pelzl, 2010 p152). In addition, the keys help in coding of data. For instance, the message is applied to a publicly known mathematical hashing function that coverts the message in to a long number referred to as the hash. This is because the hash is part of the document that is signed to a user (Paar & Pelzl, 2010 p293). Consequently, when data has been scrambled using a private key, it is unscrambled using the public key. The reverse also happens when the private key is used to unscramble. This is done using another hash that is obtained from the data. In conclusion, the public key encryption aids the protection of data or information. Therefore, an individual signs in using a number of keys. The keys are what the data uses to check the identity of the person. As a result, the keys act as a signature of verification for online
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Direct and marketing communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Direct and marketing communication - Essay Example Anthony Menswear preserves a comfortable shopping environment for customers so that it can provide contentment to customers (Anthony Menswear, â€Å"Anthony Independent Menswear – Cambridge UK†). The apparel industry in the UK is highly competitive with several big players, and it is vital for Anthony Menswear to revise the marketing system in order to increase the customer base. Managing good relationship is one of the success factors for Anthony Menswear to sustain in this competitive business environment. Therefore, the paper will attempt to establish and implement marketing communication plan for Anthony Menswear so that it can improve the direct relationship with the customers. Further, the paper will also focus on the importance of Dynamic Customer Relationship Management (DCRM) theory and apply the AIMRITE and SOSTAC framework to evaluate the choices. Dynamic Customer Relationship Management (DCRM) Theory Nowadays, effective customer relationship management (CRM) has become a strategic imperative for organizations in all business sectors, especially in retail apparel industry. In order to generate more value for the brands and for the customers, organizations are attempting to maintain a close relationships with the customers and thus using huge amount of money in CRM activities. Anthony Menswear will gain effectiveness if it focuses exclusively on attaining more customers rather than obtaining higher market share. The major aspect for enhancing customer relationship in Anthony Menswear is through developing information sharing, creating faith and pledge between relationship participants (Park & Kim, â€Å"A Framework Of Dynamic CRM: Linking Marketing With Information Strategy†). In Dynamic CRM, organizations not only focus on company’s and customers’ profits but also concentrate on relationships for future advantages. Customers should be measured as an investment and an asset for organizations. CRM has emerged as one o f the crucial marketing activities for companies functioning in dynamic commercial atmosphere. CRM can be regarded as an inclusive tactic and procedure of obtaining, retaining and associating with worthy customers in order to develop bigger value for the organization as well as the brand. In present days, CRM has developed as a method of preserving positive and commercial relations. Customer Touch Points: The touch point is considered as the point of interaction among the customers or the vision of organizations’ business. In apparel industry, touch is vital aspect for wooing customers. According to the observation of Stine & Et. Al., touch point is the â€Å"point at which products are purchased†(Singh & Lamba, â€Å"Maintaining CRM in Apparel Retailing through Touch Points: A Factor Analysis Approach†). It comprises of television advertisements and word-of-mouth among others. In Anthony Menswear, the major touch points are products and information sources. An thony Menswear provides quality and ranges of products to the customers; therefore the organization needs to develop the information management system. Presently, several customers are influenced by modern kinds of information sources such as internet, social networking, and television advert
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Executive Summary Social Networking Essay Example for Free
Executive Summary Social Networking Essay Introduction We are at a time when customer satisfaction is at an all time low, yet it is becoming a more and more difficult to talk to a human for customer service. Many businesses have lost the personal and trust-filled relationship that is so desired by their clients. In order to maintain and grow a loyal customer base, a company can now achieve those real human connections by means of social networking. Individuals from all areas of the company are readily available to meet the diverse needs of its customers, future employees and each other. Social Networking is at the top of today’s technology and is being utilized by many companies. Our business purpose is to share business ideas and opportunities. This has become an effective tool to meet prospective leads, clients, efficient employees and business partners. [i] Social networking is an easy and cost effective way to make profitable business connections with people that you never knew existed. Recommendation ââ€" ª An advantage of Social Networking is to create new ways to communicate and share information about our company. Communication is a key to success in any business, and social networking is the best way to facilitate these successful interactions. ââ€" ª Social Networking ensures that our company is making new and successful connections. We are able to promote our company’s services on a more personal level.[ii] Both our customers and own employees can build a more trusting relationship through the ease of communication of a social network. Analysis Social Networking has always been an effective source of communication. It has become necessary to change they way we pursue our clients and employees. We want to manage more efficiently, hire the most qualified employees and locate potential clients. Our business has to be aware of not only what we communicate, but how we communicate. Society has changed they way we interact with one another. It use to be highly encouraged, by employers, to meet a potential client or future employee while playing golf, having lunch or maybe even dinner. You would provide your sales pitch, hand them a business card and follow back within the next few days to see if they were interested in your business or if you were interested in theirs. This was an approach to maintain a personal relationship and show your future client or future employee how available and interested you are. Social Networking has grown and we need to be aware of the way we connect and communicate. Communication is no longer just reaching a client or future employee. It is reaching millions of business connections that you never knew existed, through technology. Technology has allowed us to create social sites that can be used for networking your business, via the internet. I use to think social sites such as,, and were sites for younger people to socialize with their friends. After researching these sites, I found that these sites support much more than socializing amongst friends. It has become one of the most effective ways for businesses to communicate and build relationships with other business people and potential employees. Social networking has provided businesses with the following: business development or sales, raising business capital, professional development, getting job assistance with others in your company, recruiting board members, management of employees and social or personal reasons.[iii] Social Networking can add value to a company externally as well as internally. It can be a very powerful tool and when utilized properly we can learn from others as well as ourselves. There are many companies that have taken the idea of these social sites and utilized them internally. They are using social networking as marketing tool for growing their business. Social Networking is now essential professional competency for employees at all levels. Professionals need to know how to gain visibility and credibility in their target markets and how to build and maintain relationships for long-term growth. They need to develop strategic networking skills and practices to excel. It is the most important tool for intelligence gathering. In a business setting, such as conferences, meetings, and outings, people need to find the latest information on resources, trends and best practices. It is a critical strategy for business development. Employees can create a network of profiles and connect with one another. Enabling connections among employees, the company could easily establish virtual teams, bring new employees up to speed, improve collaboration and increase retention among people who hadn’t felt a strong sense of belonging.[iv] Social Networking is a method for personal retention because it creates feelings of inclusion and helps people from diverse backgrounds feel listened to and valued. Building up a network of diverse people is very helpful for any business. Contacts with different clusters or groups would help your possibility of greater opportunities. A closed group of contacts will not allow you this kind of exposure. Networking can help you with your contact list. This would then help you to expand your sales and social base. [v] It remains the primary technique that people use to find jobs, change careers or land on their feet after a layoff, merger, or reorganization.[vi] Through the company’s social network you can create a word-of-mouth marketing stream that reaches people you would never be able to reach on your own or other means. Experts can provide feedback or validation regarding your current ideas or help to create new ones. You can create an advisory board of business people that are regularly available to you and committed to the growth and success of your business. People are given the opportunity to brainstorm which allows you to get outside of the normal way of thinking and create new and innovative ways to grow your business. People in your social network can connect you with potential employees.[vii] Companies are communicating and connecting using external sites as a tool to check up on employees who are working for them or are a potential candidate. We want to make sure we are ahead of the game, the who’s who if you will. Potential employees seem to be younger and younger. They are not all exploiting the typical and to post their resumes or look for jobs anymore. They are developing personal sites with and, which are allowing a more personal view of a potential employee or client. More than one in five employers searches social networking sites to screen candidates. There are many areas of concern that can be researched on networking sites including: information about drug and alcohol use, inappropriate photos, poor communication skills, bad-mouthing of former employers or fellow employees, inaccurate qualifications, unprofessional screen names, notes showing links to criminal behavior, and confidential information about past employers. This is a very effective way to help determine whether a candidate should be hired. You want an employee that can show a professional image, solid references and are a well-rounded candidate in terms of their skills, accomplishments and overall fit for the company.[viii] Closing Social Networking is a smart and strategic way to keep our company connected and communicating both internally and externally. Remember the old saying, â€Å"It is not always what you know, but who you know†and social networking has been an effective tool that has allowed us to broaden our personal relationships with our customers, future employees and each other. Social Networking through technology will allow us to grow with endless possibilities. [i] Raj, N. A. (2008). For Entrepreneurs: Social Marketing Optimization. Retrieved November 1,2008, for Gaebler Ventures Website: [ii] Raj, N. A. (2008). For Entrepreneurs: Social Marketing Optimization. Retrieved November 1,2008, for Gaebler Ventures Website: [iii] Darling, D. (2003). The Networking Survival Guide Get the Success You Want by Tapping into the People You Know. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill. [iv] Brandel, Mary (2008). The new employee connection: Social networking behind the firewall. Retrieved October 25, 2008, for Computerworld Networking Internet Website: [v] Sridhar, B.N (2008). The Importance of Networking in Business. Retrieved October 25, 2008, for [emailprotected] Website: [vi] Baber, A. Waymon, L. (2007). Make Your Contacts Count Networking Know-How for Business and Career Success. New York, New York: Amacom. [vii] Fisher, D. (2001). Professional Networking for Dummies. Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc. [viii]Havenstein, H. (2008). One in five employers uses social networks in hiring process. Retrieved October 26, 2008, for Computerworld Networking Internet Website:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Internet and Itself :: Essays Papers
Internet and Itself Education on the Internet In today's society, the internet has become a very important learning tool. It is used for day to day activities, such as a place to look up research, a method of getting in touch with friends and family, and somewhere to go to find information about almost anything imaginable. The most popular uses of the internet include entertainment and education. Many people argue that the internet should be used for educational purposes only. The Internet as a Business The internet is a very valuable resource when it comes to education, but I do not think it should just be limited to that idea. There are many other important qualities the internet possesses. The internet is now used to run businesses, and keep personal business files online. People can go to the business's home page to learn more about the product. One of the most useful and popular businesses online is Amazon. By going to, a person can shop without ever leaving their computer. By using a Visa Card, an individual can purchase books, music, clothes, toys, games, electronics, and much more. The Internet as Entertainment One of the most popular traits of the internet is entertainment. This can take the form of many different aspects of the net. Many people, especially teenagers, enjoy visiting chat rooms. These are web sites designed for people who like to talk to others. Many times, a person can find someone with similar interests in chat rooms and they become online friends. Not necessarily someone they would ever meet, but someone to talk to and share things with. Other types of online entertainment include games a person can play with other others online, and "surfing" the web to find web pages that strike their interest. The Internet as Education The internet is very useful when it comes to research. There are many search engines that can help a person find a related topic. There are online catalogs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses to help enhance a person's learning capabilities. Other ways the internet is useful is that is can be used now as a classro om.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Communication Trends
Delver Business communication plays a vital role in my day-to-day work activities as a hairstylist in someone else's salon. For the most part, I use electronic communicating options like the smartened, multimedia messages, email, and instant messages. Communicating effectively with my clientele by keeping these lines of communication open is what I depend on to keep track of my clients and they can keep track of me.I use my smartened as the sole source of communicating with my clients. They can call me during a certain time frame, they can request appointments, through email and text, and they can always request their appointment times over my voice mail. Once my clientele make contact with me, I then set there appointment right to my calendars. I use my smartened as my PDA, to take credit card payments and I can send my clients a receipt of their payments through text messaging or email.This trend in business communication has helped me cut back on buying office supplies and appoint ment books. I am more organized with my scheduling and I keep better track of my finances. Portable media players, and Pad's, and social media have become the backbone of the Cosmetology field. Most hair stylists and salons can be found over the internet. We can order our products over the internet, and even do personal tutorials over the internet.The beauty industry has taken well to the latest software technology. The software has allowed salon owners to run their entire salon using communication technology; this is a huge milestone for hairdressers and salon owners. Most hairdressers, who are independent contractors, can operate their business inside someone else's salon, pay the necessary payments and fees for the space and ammunition with their clientele on a one-on-one basis.Stylists can also showcase their skills and the styles they can do by posting them on their personal business websites, on social media, and they can shoot live videos that can be accessible to a large num ber of viewers. These forms of business communication is allowing hairstylists on all levels to be aspiring entrepreneurs and this wave of independent entrepreneurship is sending a strong message that entails being in cosmetology now means you are in a profession that is innovative with style trends but also innovative with business communications.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mono Lake Committee
The atmosphere here makes you feel at peace with yourself. Not only do people FRR mom all over the world come here; photographers, journalists, ornithologists, but even locals come to connect with nature. As I am meditating on the shore line of Mono Lake, I begin to take in my sours endings. The scenery is unique and brings me peace. It unifies me with who I am and who I will become.I feel the UN baking down on me as a breeze lifts the smell of salt water towards me. When that settles, pick up a thick earthy smell that reminds me of wet grass. It's easy to notice different types of birds flying around, for example, lake birds and shore birds, Canadian geese, California g lulls, an osprey flying off the towering tuffs. It's amazing how the tuffs are composed of the same subs dances and yet they each have their own complexity. Was fascinated by the seagulls' nests tucked into the tuffs. If this lake wasn't here, there would be no place for the birds to rest and eat.Mono Lake isn't just a lake, it's a special lake. This lake is ever changing, there's always something new. Every hind around me is peaceful and yet buzzing with life. Places like Mono Lake matter because it gives people the chance to connect w tit nature and in today's overstretched world it's important to rest and reflect on life. In the cit y, there's no woods for people especially kids, to explore and discover places like these. No matter how many times people drive past this magical place, it never gets old.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Catherine Hakims Preference Theory Essays
Catherine Hakims Preference Theory Essays Catherine Hakims Preference Theory Essay Catherine Hakims Preference Theory Essay issue 1, pp. 5-29 ,viewed 9 August 2011, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost. Chia Sue-Ann Lin K 2008, â€Å"Wooing women back to work†, The Straits Times, 15 March, viewed 3 August 2011, asiaone. com/Business/Office/Learn/Out%2BOf%2BOffice/Story/A1Story20080319-55231. html. Dimovski, V, skerlavaj, M, Mok, KM 2010, Is There a Glass Ceiling for Female Managers in Singapore Organizations? , Management (18544223),vol. 5 issue 4, pp. 307-329, viewed 12 August 2011, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. Hakim, C 2006, ‘Women, careers and work-life preferences’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 279-94, ;http://cat. lib. rmit. edu. au. ezproxy. lib. rmit. edu. au/vwebv/holdingsInfo? bibId=651680;. Industrial Arbitration Court 2006, Equal Remuneration, viewed 07 August 11, ; iac. gov. sg/Home/Pages/equal. asp;. Lee, U-Wen 2009,’Remove barriers facing women in the workplace: HR firm Manpower’, The Business Times, 4 February, viewed 9 August 2011; asiaone. com/Business/News/Office/Story/A1Story20090204-119446. tml;. Lyons, L 2000, The limits of feminist political intervention in Singapore, Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 67, viewed 13 August 2011, ;Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost;. McRae, S 2003, Constraints and choices in mothers employment careers: a consideration of Hakims Preference Theory, British Journal of Sociology, vol. 54 issue 3, p. 317, viewed 13 August 2011;Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost;. NT UC Womens Development Secretariat 2010, About Us, viewed 6 August 2011, ntucwds. org. sg/wps/portal/wds/! t/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjHy9vJ09LYwMDR0MjA08jz0D_EN8w I3cfA_2CbEdFAL_sU_k! /. Penny, L 2011 ‘The myth of the myth of gender equality’, New Statesman, 8 January, viewed 2 August 2011, newstatesman. com/blogs/laurie-penny/2011/01/women-equality-hakim-choice. Reisenwitz, T, Iyer, R 2009, Differences In Generation X And Generation Y: Implications For The Organization And Marketers, Marketing Management Journal, vol. 19 issue 2, pp. 91-103, viewed 12 August 2011, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost. Singapore Department of Statistics 2011, Statistics, viewed 6 August 2011, singstat. gov. sg/stats/keyind. html#emp. Singapore Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports 2011, Centre-based Financial Assistance Scheme for Childcare (CFAC), viewed 6 August 2011, http://app1. mcys. gov. sg/Assistance/CentrebasedFinancialAssistanceSchemeforChild. aspx. Singapore Ministry of Manpower 2011a, ‘Singapore Yearbook of Manpower Statistics, 2011, MOM Manpower Research and Statistics Department, viewed 9 August 2011, mom. gov. g/Documents/statistics-publications/yearbook11/mrsd_2011YearBook. pdf. Singapore Ministry of Manpower 2011b, ‘Singapore Workforce, 2010’, MOM Manpower Research and Statistics Department, viewed 3 August 2011, mom. gov. sg/Publications/mrsd_singapore_workforce_2010. pdf. Singapore Ministry of Manpower 2011c, Tripartite Workgroup on Enhancing Employment Choices for Women, viewed 8 August 2011, mom. gov. sg/employment-practices/tripartism-in-sin gapore/Pages/default. aspx. Singapore Ministry of Manpower 2010, Women, viewed 6 August 2011, om. gov. sg/foreign-manpower/Pages/women. aspx. Singapore Ministry of Manpower 2000, ‘Occupational segregation: A gender perspective’, MOM Manpower Research and Statistics Department, viewed 3 August 2011, mom. gov. sg/Publications/mrsd_Occupation_Segregation_A_Gend er_Perspective. pdf. Singapore Ministry of Trade Industry Singapore 2009, ‘Report on the Household Expenditure Survey, 2007/08’, Department of Statistics, viewed 9 August 2011, singstat. gov. sg/pubn/hhld/hes2007. pdf. Snowdon, G 2011, ‘Women still face a glass ceiling’, The Guardian, 21 February, viewed 6 August 2011 guardian. co. uk/society/2011/feb/21/women-glass-ceiling-still-exists-top-jobs. Spicer, K 2011, ‘What women really want’, The Australian, 10 January, viewed 2 August 2011, theaustralian. com. au/news/features/what-women-really-want/story-e6frg6z6-1225984615048. Tan, KP 2001, ‘Civic society and the New Economy in Patriarchal Singapore: Emasculating the Political, Feminizing the Public, Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies,vol. 15, no. 2 , p. 95-122. Twenge, J 2010, A Review of the Empirical Evidence on Generational Differences in Work Attitudes, Journal of Business ; Psychology, vol. 25 issue 2, pp. 201-210, viewed 11 August 2011, ;Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost;. Wong, T ; Yeoh, BSA 2003, ‘Fertility and the Family: An Overview of Pronatalist Population Policies in Singapore’, Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis Research Paper Series, no. 12, pp. 1-25. Yap, MT 2003, ‘Fertility and Population Policy: the Singapore Experience’, Journal of Population and Social Security (Population), Supplement to Volume 1, pp. 643 to 658,
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Buy a Term Paper
Buy a Term Paper Buy a Term Paper Buy a Term Paper How to buy a term paper online? It may appear very simple at the first glance. All you need to do is to find a link to the order form, fill in all required fields and wait for your completed term paper. Nevertheless, at the closer look, it becomes apparent that in order to buy a term paper and not to waste your money and nerves, you should pay attention to several factors. Let's take a look at a couple of issues you should take into account. If you do not know how to write a term paper and looking for term paper help , you have found the right place to get it! Term Paper Topic A term paper topic may be easy to write about or challenging. If you have an opportunity to decide on term paper topic, you have a full freedom to explore your own interests and write an impressive paper without any problems. Nevertheless, we have noticed that students who want to buy a term paper often do not have a topic. For example, our clients write something like this: "I want to buy a term paper writing about unemployment". Unemployment is a broad topic and if no additional instruction is provided, you may end up with getting a term paper which does not suit your needs or specifics of the course. Therefore, be sure to provide a detailed instruction when you buy a term paper. Number of pagesIf you need to buy a term paper, you should know the exact number of pages. Please consult your teacher or lecturer on this issue. if you do not know how many pages you need, what should the writer do? DeadlinesIf you buy a term paper, you should include a specific deadline. The longer the deadline the lower the price for your term paper writing. Be very attentive while choosing a deadline. Otherwise, you may get your term paper late. Buy a Term Paper Online It is a real challenge to choose professional term paper writing service online. Today, when the number of fraudulent sites is impressive and students feel lost in the wealth of services, it is increasingly difficult to select truly professional term paper writers online. We do not make empty promises. We simply deliver high quality content written from scratch. Our clients know that their money and time are not wasted. We do not miss deadlines. We do not hire ESL writers. We do not double charge you. We can write a custom term paper for you on all possible term paper topics! By the way, outline for a term paper is delivered for free!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Basic Quantitative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Basic Quantitative Analysis - Essay Example The glossary- like essay is prepared based principally on the typical book by Paul C. Cozby titled Methods in Behavioral Research. Some other established and authentic books are also cited. It is used to compare between two or more individual students of two or more divisions, classes or schools or the performance of two or more classes or schools, or the performance of an individual under two or more dissimilar testing conditions in terms of possession of some attributes or characteristics. Gravetter, Forzano (2008) assert that when the data is presented not in numerical values we have no alternative other than comparing the proportions or percentiles (p.452). In order to compare the achievements of two individuals or groups, the means are compared. It is possible when the scores are distributed in numerical figures. We compare mean score first, and then we do means. Contrary to both, in co relational study, we compare two variables for each and every individual, included in a particular group, and the score of different groups. If the data is numerical we resort to co relational studies, if not we use chi-square. (p.453) The name pie chart is given to a circle diagram. In determining the circumference of a circle we have to take into consideration a quantity known as ‘pie’. In this form of graphical representation, the data is represented through the sections or portions of circle. It is a graph in which frequencies are represented by bars, arranged one touching the next. The height of the bar will represent the frequency of the class. The area of the rectangle is proportionate to its frequency. In this way the total area of a bar graph which includes all those rectangular bars will represent the total frequency or ‘N’. A polygon is a many-sided closed figure. A frequency polygon is a graphic representation of a given frequency distribution. In this graph, the midpoints of the classes are plotted on the X-axis, to
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Job Application Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Job Application - Personal Statement Example In other words, I know that I should be very discrete in choosing job openings I wish to pursue so I can be successful in my pursuit. Despite the immediate need of finances, I know that I should not jump to a job because it fills my pocket. I made it a point to make myself well-informed. I took the time to research on newspapers, advertising and company announcements. All these in consideration, I decided I would pursue a customer related position at _________________. Upon determining the job opening of my choice, I concentrated on finding out the details about the company. I researched on __________________'s reputation, how it has faired in the business world. I also predicted the fulfillment I will have with the position of interest. I also performed a SWOT analysis and compared it to the requirements of the job. It is shown as follows: After the preparations, I then wrote an application letter, prepared my resume and collected endorsement letters. The completion of the aforesaid documents for application was a long process. To be sure I observe the proper format; I consulted books and reputable sources online. I also asked the assistance of people I know. I made the effort to make my application documents impressive for I am aware that these are the first things an HR manager will base his impressions on. I I am now ready to be interviewed. Though I am not required to go to an interview, I still researched on the proper attire and the proper decorum that is expected of me in an interview. As I have assessed myself via the SWOT analysis, I am now fully aware of my value as a prospect employee and will convey this value in the interview. Even before the interview, I already have an idea of what I want to happen. With the end in mind, I will act accordingly. To further increase my chances of being hired, I will bring with me a portfolio of my achievements and previous work experience; and bring this portfolio up when the time is right. All things considered, it can be said that every employer wants something from every one of us. It is our goal to identify to them this certain something. As Hellen Keller once said, "We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough". Thus, the secret of a successful job hunt is dedication and passion to one's
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Pros and Cons of Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pros and Cons of Abortion - Research Paper Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that to understand the phenomenon of abortion better it would be ideal to look at its pros and cons. It is believed that abortion is a justifiable act as it is a killing of a fetus and not that of a human being. A person is originated at birth and not during conception. This is a biologically proven fact and hence favor abortion. The oath of Hippocrates which the medical professionals take itself forbids abortion and hence is a malpractice. â€Å"The original text of the Hippocratic Oath, the oath that doctors traditionally take when swearing to practice medicine ethically, forbids abortions†. The U.S constitution gives liberty to live to all men and killing of one life is against nation’s proclamation. â€Å"Allowing abortion directly contradicts the Founding Fathers intentions for an inalienable right to life in this country†. It is evidently clear from the discussion that abortion having pros and cons can be defended and justified according to the situation and effect of this medical procedure. It is not possible to condemn abortion altogether as it offers va rious benefits to women. The good side of abortion is weighed more in American society and the bad effects stand as reasons for the public to defend against it.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Approaches to Strategic International HRM (ISHRM)
Approaches to Strategic International HRM (ISHRM) Managers are not aware of the severe consequences treating their employees like that? Is it because of a deficit in managing people within an opposed cultural working environment or is it because of an inconvenient HRM strategy? Skinner, B. (1971) argued, that people are simply a product of the stimuli they get from the external world. Interestingly, negative reinforcement causes behavioral change in undesirable ways, whereas positive reinforcement causes rather intended change. General management is therefore not only accountable for defining such stimuli according the corporate strategy, but also its degree of involvement is a prerequisite for a successful HRM (Baron, J. Kreps, D., 1999). What difference does it actually make to augment the word international to HRM? Needless to say, as corporations globalize, HRM activities like HR-planning, staffing, developing, and retaining employees goes far beyond a national scope. Thus, IHRM broadly covers all issues related to the management of people in an international context (Stahl, G. Bj rkmann, I., 2007). Morgan (1986) developed a three-dimensional model of IHRM (Figure 1), which expose firstly the broad human resource activities of procurement, allocation and utilization, secondly the national or country categories involved in IHRM activities (host, home, other), and lastly three categories of employees of an international firm (HCNs, PCNs, TCNs). Morgan defines IHRM as the interplay among these three dimensions. Generally, IHRM involves the same activities as domestic HRM, for instance, procurement refers to HR planning and staffing; however, domestic HRM focuses only on activities within only one national boundary. Many firms underestimate the complexities involved in international operations, a nd there is some evidence to suggest that business failures internationally may often be due to poor management of HR (Desatnick, R. Bennett, M., 1978). Strategic International Human Resource Management in Multinationals Alfred Chandler highlighted once, structure follows strategy. Hence, a holistic corporate strategy is not only based on a precise knowledge of internal and external factors or can be measured along financial and non-financial KPIs. In fact, a sustainable corporate strategy must be a reference point towards every part of the value chain. Thereby, the functional-level is typically concerned with maximizing efficiency; and particularly the HRfunction addresses the question, Are the current HRM policies sufficient enough to support the strategy? Schuler, R. Jackson, S. (1987), took up Porter s framework of competitive strategies in order to develop a model of its idea in SIHRM (Figure 2). Their model concludes that business performance will increase, if HR policies mutually reinforce the firm s strategy. According to Dowling, P. Welch, D. (2005), MNEs operate in the context of worldwide conditions, including the external contexts of industry, nation, region and interorganizational networks and alliances. De Cieri and Dowling (1999) developed the model of strategic HRM in MNEs (Figure 3). The internal organizational factors are shown in order of most tangible to most intangible. Pointed out by Dowling, P. Welch, D. (2005), following developments in the literature, such as that of Taylor et al. (1996), (), the model suggests that there are reciprocal relationships between organizational factors, SHRM and multinational concerns and goals. For instance, HR activities such as expatriate management are influenced by both factors of procedures from in- and outside the company. Contrasting Two Approaches of Strategic International Human Resource Management Any convergence will be balanced by divergence (Harzing, A. Ruysseveldt, J., 2004). Its sound so simple, however, since MNEs globalize and their structure change rapidly, managers should decide upon two major issues; firstly, to which extent key decisions have to be made at the parent-country HQ or at the subsidiary units and secondly, which type of management control system the parent could execute in the subsidiary unit. Thus, the main distinction is whether to standardize or customize SIHRM. In case of standardizing SIHRM, the HQ decides upon HR policies and standards independently from their foreign subsidiaries. Forces towards standardization are mainly driven by the need for control and sustain of competitive advantage. Assuming that a generalized approach leads to conformity and unity among all employees, while neglecting cultural differences, the standardization may ensure adoption of corporate values und promotes the corporate strategy above national boundaries. However, the probability of a successful standardized approach depends very much on the openness of the foreign subsidiary to cohere, for instance, with the corporate work practices and cultural differences (Dowling, P. Welch, D., 2005). Since a standardized SIHRM approach is not only influenced by cultural differences that may facilitate resistance of the foreign subsidiary, Bae, J. Lawler, J. demonstrated (Figure 4) comprehensively which factors influence standardization of work practices (2000). Discussing issues about customization, the statement `Think global and act local pops up frequently. As customization of SIHRM considers the specific demands of the hostcountry, the involvement of foreign subsidiaries in managerial decisions is in comparison to a standardized SIHRM very high. By involving host management, parent firms should do both, acknowledge different cultural attitudes and take actions in order to incorporate them when feasible. Obviously, there is more than one correct way to manage people; thus, the HQ and the foreign subsidiary can gain from customization due to knowledge-sharing, resulting in cross-cultural learning. Another interesting point is the implication of corporate language. Even though, within most MNEs English is the corporate language, Marschan-Piekkari et al. puts it, companies do not have languages, people do. Therefore, language standardization in contrast to customization increases burden on foreign subsidiaries since being competent in the c orporate language is considered to be important for career development (Dowling, P. Welch, D., 2005). Conclusion Effective ISHRM is expected to assist the firm in achieving its goals and objectives. The managerial challenge for HRM is thereby not only the implementation of the corporate strategy, but also to define a meaningful balance between standardization and customization of its activities and policies. Heading for sustainable corporate values, MNEs should focus on managerial consistency. However, due to thinking global and acting local, they should not deny regional and cultural differences; rather heading for knowledge-transfer in order to achieve a comparative advantage. Clearly, like Dowling, P. Welch, D. argued, while the global nature of the business may call for increased consistency, the variety of cultural environments may be calling for differentiation (2005). Reference List Baron, J. Kreps, D. (1999). Strategic Human Resources. John Wiley Sons: Hoboken Bae, J. Lawler, J. (2000). Organizational performance and HRM strategies in Korea. Academy of Management Journal, 43(3): 502-517. Chandler, A. (1996). Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Clavell, J. (1983). The Art of War: Sun Tzu. New York: Dell Publishing. Desatnick, R. Bennett, M. (1978). Human Resource Management in the Multinational Company. New York: Nicholson. Dowling, P. Welch, D. (2005). International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context. Toronto: Southwestern College Publishing. Morgan, P. V., International Human Resource Management: Fact or Fiction. Personnel Administrator, Vol. 31, No. 9 (1986) p. 44. Skinner, B. (1971). Beyond Freedom and Dignity. New York: Knopf. Stahl, G. Bj rkmann, I. (2007). Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Schuler, R., Dowling, P.J. de Cieri, H. (1993). An Integrative Framework of Strategic International Human Resource Management. Journal of Management, 19(2): 419 60. Schuler, R. Jackson, S. (1987). Linking competitive strategies and human resource management practices. Academy of Management Executive, 1(3): 207-9. Taylor, S., Beechler, S. Napier, N. (1996). Toward an Integrative Model of Strategic International Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Review, 21(4): 959 86.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Lsd :: essays research papers
     LSD stands for Iysergic acid diethylamide. LSD is a hallucinate know to be the most powerful drug of this kind. LSD is commonly known as acid. This drug changes a person’s mental state by distorting the perception of reality to the point where at high doses hallucination occurs. Acid is derived from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It is semi-synthetic. It’s manufactured chemically in illicit laboratories, except for a small percent, which is produced legally for research. A very minute does can significantly alter ones perception to the point of hallucination. Hallucination is when a person hears, or sees thing that don’t really exist. LSD is the most potent hallucinate. Approximately 100 times stronger than psilocybin, and 4000 times stronger than mescaline. LSD as it is pure is a white, odorless crystalline powder that is water-soluble. But because an effective does of the drug when it is pure is almost invisible it is mixed with other substances such as sugar and packaged in capsules, tablets, solutions, or spotted on to gelatin pieces of blotting paper. Dosages Acid is normally taken orally but sometimes is inhaled or injected, but there is a big risk that you might get infections or Aids while using unsteril needles or sharing with others.      The effects of LSD depend on several factors like: -     The amount taken at one time -     The user’s past drug experience -     The manner in which it is taken -     The circumstances under which the drug is taken, place, presents of other people ect These factors are especially important with the use of acid. The effects of LSD on any user or even the same user but at different times are difficult to predict. Short-term effects      These effect will appear a few hours after usage and disappear in hours or days: Physical effects like, numbness, muscle weakness and trembling, rapid reflexes, increased blood pressure, heart rate, and temperatures, impaired motor skills and coordination, dilated pupils, nausea and sometimes seizers. Dramatic changes in perception, thought, and mood occur shortly after physical effects. These may include: - Pseudo-hallucinations that the user is aware of. -     Distorted perception of times. -     Distance -     Gravity -     The space between oneself and the environment
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Curriculum designing guidelines Essay
Purpose The construction of experiences and outcomes that effectively provide progression in each curriculum area and convey the values, principles and purposes of A Curriculum for Excellence is central to the success of the program. In particular, it is important that you reflect relevant aspects of the four capacities in your work. If we can get this right these outcomes and experiences will have a significant, positive, impact on classroom practice and hence on the learning experience of all children and young people. It is an exciting prospect. Starting point In phase 1 each early review group should be asked to simplify and prioritise the curriculum (from age 3 to 15 in the first instance) retaining what currently works well and making changes where these were justified by research evidence. The output from phase 1 of the review process and the rationale for your curriculum area, research and other national and international comparators are your starting points. Your work will be based on the relevant parts of the Curriculum Frameworks: for Children 3 – 5, 5 – 14 guidelines, Standard Grade, and National Qualifications. It is important that experience and outcome statements you write at each Curriculum for Excellence level provide appropriate cognitive demand. The framework for outcomes The experiences and outcomes will sit within a framework of advice to teachers. Curriculum Area The eight curriculum areas are: Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing, Languages, Maths, Religious and Moral Education, Science, Social Studies and Technologies. Rationale The rationale provides an overview of the curriculum area states its main purposes and describes its contribution to the values and purposes. Subsets of the curriculum area Each curriculum area is subdivided either into fields of learning – or ‘subjects’ (e. g. Expressive Arts into art, drama, dance and music) or into aspects of learning in that area (e. g. Languages into listening and talking, reading and writing) Lines of development These identify learning tracks in each subset of the curriculum area. They are expressed in different ways in each area of the curriculum. For example within expressive arts they identify the skills to be developed: creating, presenting and evaluating in art, drama, dance and music; within science they describe broad areas of knowledge and understanding to be developed; biodiversity, being human and cells in Our Living World. Experiences and outcomes Within each line of development, experiences and outcomes describe the expected progression in learning for children and young people. Essential outcomes. Essential outcomes are a small number of high level statements, derived from the main purposes described in the rationale, that encapsulate what learning in that curriculum area provides for all children and young people. Taken together, the essential outcomes are intended to sum up the expectations for the broad general education of all young people. The focus of your work will be writing the experiences and outcomes for your curriculum area. It is likely that there will be interplay between what you produce and the ‘essential outcomes’ , which are the ones helping to shape and refine the other in an iterative manner. Outcomes should be written in the clearest possible English. Where possible these should be accessible to children and young people, but not at the expense of clarity. It is also important to try to write lively and engaging experiences and outcomes. Best Practices of Writing the Curriculum Ultimately the intention is to produce streamlined guidance for the entire curriculum in a single document. We also intend to make the outcomes available in electronic format to allow curriculum leaders and teachers to identify and blend outcomes from both within and beyond curriculum areas. Several stages will be required to achieve this.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
What Are the Main Barriers to Particpation in Sport of Disabled Bodied Sports Men and Women
What are the main barriers to participation in sport for people with disabilities? People with disabilities have much to offer the world of sport. As well as the top disabled sportspeople, there are many ordinary disabled people who can and do benefit from sport. Sport allows everybody to stay healthy and to meet people. However, people with disabilities do face serious obstacles to participation in sport. Society continues to discriminate against, handicap and impose barriers on disabled people.Also it is interesting to know that as much as three quarters of disabled adults rely on state benefits as their main source of income they are also financially disadvantaged, which multiples barriers to participation. The ‘disabled' are not all the same, but a mixture of people with a range of disabilities including deafness, sight impairment, amputation, paraplegia, cerebral palsy and learning difficulties.Elite athletes with a disability competed for the first time for medals in the Commonwealth Games in 2002, but much more still needs to be done if disabled people are to enjoy the same sporting opportunities as the rest of the population. A survey taken out by Sport England in the same year reveals that people with disabilities must overcome significant problems if they are to enjoy anything like the same access to sporting activity s the non-disabled population.Amongst the results, Sport England discovered that just over 50% of the disabled population had taken part in any kind of sporting activity in the last month before the survey. This is 24% less than non-disabled people. Looking at the experiences of disabled people who take part in sport, the study found that: Of those disabled adults who participated in sport in the 12 months before the survey, 65% would like to play more. Also a negative experience in sport due to their health problem or disability was reported by 14% of disabled adults.The overall conclusion of the report is that rather than concent rating on increasing the supply of suitable facilities or providing adapted equipment, which have been the usual responses to this problem, more needs to be done to provide people with a disability with credible information on the sports and physical activities that they might be able to do given the nature of their disability. There are currently seven national disability sports associations, which are united by the English Federation of Disability Sport, a charity founded in 1999.The associations are: Disability Sport England (DSE), British Deaf Sports Council, British Blind Sport, Cerebral Palsy Sport, British Wheelchair Sports Foundation, British Amputee and Les Autres Sports Organisation, the English Sports Association for People with a Learning Disability. Traditionally, disability has been viewed from a medical perspective. People with disabilities have been considered as dependant and passive rather than independent and self-governing, probably because they have been support ed by various carers and professionals.This limited and limiting view has more recently been updated with a social view which recognises that attitudes, assumptions, myths and stereotyping, along with inadequately deigned environments all impose limitations on disabled people. Organisations, which are developed by and for non-disabled people, are now seen as the main sources of discrimination. Identifying the Barriers It is not always possible for disabled people to go to events. Transport to facilities may be difficult. This is because venues may be too far away for them to travel and modes of transport for them are limited, depending on their disability.There may not be suitable doors and ramps at entrances to buildings. Modifying buildings for disabled people can be expensive, so therefore most buildings lack correct access. Also plans for facilities, funding and events do not always take account of needs of the competitors and spectators with disabilities. Sports centres and clu bs do not automatically make provision for everyone, including people with disabilities. Governing bodies do not usually hold events for disabled people within the able bodied championships. People with disabilities may have had little opportunity in the past to develop their sporting skills.This is because integration of school pupils with disabilities into physical education lessons presents many challenges. Also disabled people may not be able to afford the coast of taking part in sport. This is because as previously stated three quarters of the disabled population rely on state benefits and do not have much disposable income. Also disabled people face the one of the same barriers women face. This barrier is the media. Women have a lot less media coverage compared to men; however the disabled have even less than that.If there are many more sporting role models for the disabled, such as Tanni Grey Thompson and Ade Adepitan, they will be encouraged to participate more and aspire to be more like them. What's Being Done? The Sports Council aims to ensure equality of opportunity for people with disabilities to take part in sport and recreation at the level of their choice. They have seen main objectives: * To raise the profile of people with disabilities in sport. * To make sure plans for sport include the needs of people with disabilities. * To provide opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in sport. To improve access to sport for people with disabilities. * To encourage involvement for people with disabilities in international sport. * To use all resources and to seek extra fiance * To make sure sport meets the needs of people with disabilities. Our local council is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and providing equal access to employment opportunities, services and facilities for everyone within the community. People who work in the public sector have to consider the impact of their work on disabled people, and take action to ta ckle disability inequality.This should means that disabled people have better employment opportunities and do not come across discrimination when using a service. It should also help promote positive attitudes towards disabled people in everyday life. The Disability Sport Wales National Community Development Programme is a joint initiative between the Sports Council for Wales, the Federation of Disability Sport Wales and the 22 local authorities across Wales. The scheme is aimed at developing quality community based sporting and recreational opportunities for disabled people throughout Wales.The programme is promoted and delivered through a network of Disability Sport Wales Development Officers located across every Local Authority in Wales. Disability Sport Wales aims to create new clubs and give professional advice and support to improve existing clubs, increase the number of disabled people who actively participate in sports clubs, groups and sessions. Also to improve the quality and number of coaches and volunteers within disability sport through coach education and other systems and create new and further develop existing opportunities for disabled people to compete in sport at local, regional and national level. Another of heir aims is to work closely with the Federation's National Performance Manager ensuring that individuals with potential are given the opportunity to train and, where appropriate, compete to the highest standards. Another of their ‘missions' is to ensure that Wales maintains the Nations current medal winning achievements and continues to support and contribute toward Great Britain Teams in Paralympics, Deaflympic and Intellectual Disability sport They aim to do this by delivering an athlete centred programme ensuring that elite athletes reach their full potential at the very highest standards of performance within disability sport.Do you think that sportsmen with disabilities should be able to compete in the same sports as able bo died athletes? Yes I think that anyone should have the chance to participate at any level if they have the required skill set and talent, being disabled may give a performer little advantage or disadvantage, some new rules or different regulations would have to occur or be instated.
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